Try SWMM5!
See below.
SWMM is a
dynamic rainfall-runoff simulation model, primarily but not
exclusively for urban areas, for single-event or long-term
(continuous) simulation. Flow routing is performed for surface and
sub-surface conveyance and groundwater systems, including the
option of fully dynamic hydraulic routing in the Extran Block.
Nonpoint source runoff quality and routing may also be simulated,
as well as storage, treatment and other best management practices
(BMPs). Version 4.3 (May 1994) contains corrections and
enhancements to Version 4.20 (June 1992), including a new Transport
flow divider, revised hydraulic radius calculations for natural
channels in Extran and Transport (to agree with the HEC-2 method),
multiple land use options in Runoff, additional sewer infiltration
options, improved manipulation of long-term rainfall data
(especially 15-min data), a linkage to WASP4 from Transport,
additional statistical output from Runoff and many other
corrections and enhancements to various program options. Version
4.4 contains many more improvements and options and modifications,
as described below. The latest edition of Version 4.4,
currently Version 4.4h, is the recommended version for all users.
However, EPA SWMM5 is a completely revised an official
release of SWMM, now available (November 2004).
It is recommended
for new users, except that SWMM5 may not be
not fully functional in terms of all SWMM4 capabilities (e.g., plug
flow in treatment objects). See further information below.
The SWMM4.4h
executable program and the Fortran code may be downloaded from this
Web site (see later instructions), and this is the recommendation
in order to have the most recent code changes. The 1994
version 4.3 is also available from the EPA CEAM. The OSU code
and EPA CEAM code is DOS-based and runs in a window under Windows
95/98/NT/2000/XP. Although it will run under DOS with a 486
processor, a Pentium is recommended. Program storage requires
about 5 Mb of hard disk space. Also included with the OSU and EPA
releases is the Fortran source code, program documentation
(but not the users manuals, as explained below), and several sample
input files. See this and the EPA CEAM Web site for
State-of-the-art graphical
user interfaces are available from third-party venders listed later
in this Web site. Most of these GUIs are constructed around
the core Fortran code of the OSU model version.
We recommend using
SWMM5 (see below) or Version 4.4h, downloadable at this
However, Version
4.31 is available at this site and from the EPA CEAM. Contact:
Center for
Exposure Assessment Modeling (CEAM)
Exposure Research Laboratory - Ecosystems Research
Office of
Research and Development (ORD)
Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)
960 College
Station Road
Georgia (GA) 30605-2700
Voice phone:
(706) 355-8400
The program
may be downloaded directly from the CEAM web page. Additional
EPA programs are also available on the CEAM web site, beginning at:
updated version of SWMM, version 44H, has been placed on the
OSU Web/FTP site during February 2001 and updated several times,
most recently October 25, 2005. This replaces the last posted
version of swmm44gu, September 2000. (These versions are
periodically updated. Look for the date on the 44hexe.zip
file.) Version 4.4gu included many enhancements provided by
Camp, Dresser and McKee. Version 44H includes still more
enhancements by OSU and CDM as well as contributions from
users. See the file 44README.TXT for a guide to documentation
and file
44GUCHNG.TXT for a list of all changes.
We (OSU and
CDM) are calling the new version 4.4h instead of 4.4gu to reflect
the significant changes to the Runoff Block that have occurred
since the last release, in September 2000. We have resisted
calling it "version 4.5" or "version 5" in order to try to avoid
difficulties in getting agency approval for the various SWMM
versions. That is, this is done so as not to confuse agencies
who approve SWMM usage. The primary changes included in the
February 2001 4.4h release relate to new options for overland flow
routing in the Runoff Block. Overland flow may be routed from
one subarea of a subcatchment to another, e.g., to simulate runoff
from a roof flowing over a lawn, or flow from non-directly
connected impervious areas. Runoff from one subcatchment may
also be directed to another subcatchment, instead of having to flow
into a channel/pipe or inlet. In this way riparian zone and
overland flow BMPs may be simulated. Other new options
include removal mechanisms in Runoff Block channel/pipes and much
general cleanup. See file
44GUCHNG.TXT for a list of all changes.
The March
2002 update includes corrections to the continuity checks for
subcatchment-to-subcatchment flow routing and corrections to
several other errors, including metric input of natural channel
data in the Transport Block. Also included is a highly
preliminary Transport Block linked DO-BOD-NOD water quality
routine, in the manner of the modified Streeter-Phelps routines
that are included in the EPA WASP model. See documentation in
TRANSWQ.ZIP, including a small program to test the reaeration
November 2003 version includes minor corrections made since earlier
releases. See file 44guchng.txt.
November 2004 version includes a Rain Block option for reading
comma-delimited hourly rainfall and numerous minor error
The October
25, 2005 version includes changes to allow the S/T block to read
alphanumeric input correctly, to allow BMP removal from Runoff
dummy channels, to read air temperature data correctly, and other
minor changes. With the likely exception of repair of other small
errors, this is probably the last significant modification of
version 4.4h. Please try SWMM5!
The first
release of version 4.4gu replaced the August 1997 earlier version
4.4. That version included many of the enhancements mentioned
on the swmm-users discussion group during the past several
years. We are grateful to Camp Dresser & McKee for
donation of so much of the code. However,SWMM4.4h will never
be an "official" EPA release, since it has been superseded by SWMM5
(see below).
Cincinnati Lab of EPA and Camp Dresser & McKee have now
completed an official release of SWMM5, a complete revision of SWMM
that includes a graphical user interface. The new version
uses object-oriented C code. A translation program to convert
SWMM4 input files to SWMM5 input files is included with the
distribution. Feedback is invited via an e-mail address
provided by the EPA and through the swmm-users Internet discussion
group. Please see the EPA web site for the free download and
much more information:
The final release includes almost all of the SWMM4.4h
functionality; exceptions include plug flow and sedimentation
theory in treatment units, erosion off subcatchments, and
scour-deposition in channels and conduits. The SWMM5 engine
is designed to link easily to proprietary GUIs (listed below) that
will eventually provide more functionality than the wonderful, but
more limited GUI provided directly by the EPA, particularly in the
area of GIS and CAD interfacing.
compliant? Yes!
If you cross
the 12/99 - 1/00 boundary during a single event or continuous
simulation there will not be a problem, since the dates are only
labels. Dates are mostly requested with 4-digit years.
In places where two-digit years are allowed, years are
automatically assumed to begin with 1900. E.g., if 98 is
entered as a year, it will be changed to 1998. If 01 is
entered as a year, it will be changed to 1901. No version,
new or old will harm your computer if you inadvertently put in 01
for 2001.
Chuck Moore
of CDM has made changes to all computational blocks for version 4.4
that take care of the century boundary crossing issue for all
simulations. WCH has tested all these corrections with
interface files that span the date transition.
The Rain
Block has been corrected to read and pre-process data for dates
that cross the 12/99 - 1/00 boundary. Be aware that the NOAA
National Climatic Data Center has discontinued their "Release B
Condensed" data format, since they only have 3-digit years, not
4-digit. Only the NCDC-format (TD 3240 and TD 3260) formats
will be Y2K compliant, although SWMM will run pre-2000 data in all
historic formats. Current Canadian precipitation data (HLY03,
HLY21, FIF21) from the Canadian Meteorological Centre may also be
read and processed in the Rain Block and are Y2K compliant.
Full details are in the revised documentation file, RAIN.DOC.
Two new new files have been added for downloading (Y2KTEST.ZIP,
CANADATA.ZIP) that document all tests.
The Temp
Block, Combine Block and Graph Block are all compatible.
The two
users manuals below may still be purchased and are changed only
slightly from those for the original Version 4.0 in 1988. (It is
not necessary to update version 4 manuals.)
Huber recommends purchasing revised and more readable documentation
from William James at CHI. His two hard-bound manuals
incorporate most of the additions to the model since 1988 as well
as much useful modeling guidance and an index.
Please note
that the dynamic .DOC or documentation files (text files that can
be used as example input files and as templates for user-generated
input files) included with the SWMM4 distribution files also serve
as partial documentation of modifications made during the 1990s.
Huber, W.C.
and R.E. Dickinson, Storm Water Management Model User's Manual,
Version 4, EPA/600/3-88/001a (NTIS PB88-236641/AS),
Environmental Protection Agency, Athens, GA, 1988, 595 pp.
L.A., Aldrich, J.A. and R.E. Dickinson, Storm Water Management
Model User's Manual, Version 4: Addendum I, EXTRAN,
EPA/600/3-88/001b (NTIS PB88236658/AS), Environmental Protection
Agency, Athens, GA, 1988, 203 pp.
Changes in
input formats and options for each SWMM block can be found in
"documentation" files (.DOC) on the distribution disks in the form
of current annotated example input files. The manuals can be
obtained from three sources:
Technical Information Service
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
(703) 487-4650
Contact NTIS for charges, and include the NTIS numbers listed
the manuals (and program) may be ordered in care of Wayne Huber or
William James (who also has updated manuals):
Wayne C. Huber
Dept. of Civil,
Construction, and Environmental
Oregon State
202 Apperson Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2302
Phone: (541) 737-4934 FAX: (541) 737-3099
William James
vendor for updated manuals.)
Hydraulics International
36 Stuart St.
Guelph, Ontario N1E 4S5
Phone: (519) 767-0197 FAX: (519) 767-2770
(Contact CHI for prices.)
William James has his own version of SWMM users manuals that are
superior in most respects to the "official" EPA manuals.
Contact him or CHI for more information.
From Oregon
State University, prices are:
Two users
manuals: $85
Postage and
handling: $8 to US, $10 to Canada, $50 elsewhere (airmail).
Program on
disks: $50 (including postage and handling).
executable program, Fortran code and documentation files are also
available on the Internet via anonymous FTP at OSU at:
See later instructions -- or simply access from this Web page,
The program
available from OSU (and CHI) includes all corrections and
enhancements completed at the time of an order (listed near the end
of the SWMMRDME file), plus updated .DOC (input format) files.
Version 4.31 of SWMM uses the same Lahey compiler and similar array
sizes. Version 4.4 is compiled using Digital Visual Fortran 6
(or Compaq Visual Fortran 6).
Web Source
for Manuals
International has converted the EPA SWMM manuals to an Adobe
Acrobat (.pdf) format for downloading off the Web. The 798
pages for the two manuals may be accessed at:
other documents related to stormwater hydraulics and hydrology may
also be accessed at this site.
Current bibliographic information is available as part of
stormwater modeling conference proceedings from Dr. William
James. Contact
CHI for
information on how to purchase this set of very useful proceedings.
information is also included as part of PCSWMM.
support for installation and computer compatibility problems is
available from the EPA. Limited technical support regarding program
operation is available by telephone from Dr. Huber or from Dr.
James (only if the program is purchased from him). Infrequent
workshops on model operation are conducted as well. Contact Dr.
Huber or Dr. James for information.
The most
useful support is obtained from other users, as well as model
developers, on the swmm-users internet discussion group, discussed
menu-driven interface for running the model and providing
hydro/pollutographs and animated hydraulic gradelines, plus
analysis and
GIS options. The distribution disk also includes bibliographic
data. Charge: about US$600. Contact:
Dr. William
James or Mr. Rob James
or Ms. Lyn James
Hydraulics International (CHI)
36 Stuart
Ontario N1E 4S5
Phone: (519)
767-0197 * FAX: (519) 767-2770
Mainly a
post-processor for Extran (MTVE) and Runoff (MTVR), including the
ability to show the dynamic movement of the hydraulic grade line
and display Extran and Runoff Block networks. Charge: <$1,000.
10 Brooks
c/o Mark
3744 West
Huron River Drive
Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48103
Phone or
fax: (734) 761-1511
A complete
graphical user interface and post-processor for SWMM. Charge:
varies but upwards of $5,000. Contact:
2000 NE 42 Ave., Suite 214
Portland, Oregon 97213
Phone: (888) 554-5022
FAX: (888) 554-5122
offered as Visual SWMM or Visual Hydro through:
CAiCE Software
410 Ware
Blvd., Suite 1200
Florida 33619-9019
Phone: (800)
883-3487 or (813) 620-1444
FAX: (813)
Danish Hydraulic
Institute has a general GUI for the Runoff and
Extran Blocks, called MIKE-SWMM, based on the DHI MOUSE model
interface. Price upwards of $5,000. Contact:
DHI Inc.
Portland Office:
David Wood - President
319 SW Washington St.
Suite 614
Portland, Oregon 97204
Tel: 503-827-5900
Fax: 503-827-5905
Dresser and McKee has developed a link of Runoff and Extran Block
input/output routines with the GIS program ArcView. These
tools are now available to SWMM users. SWMMTools is an
ArcView extension that allows users of the EPA version of SWMM
(e.g., Version 4.4gu) to visualize a SWMM model in conjunction with
existing GIS data. The scripts permit viewing of model input and
output summary data within ArcView. Contact
Mitch Heineman for more information. The
routines may be downloaded at the following site:
Another SWMM-GIS link is available from MWH Soft. InfoSWMM provides
a complete integration of EPA’s SWMM 5 engine into an easy-to-learn
and use ArcGIS/ArcView extension. H2OMAP SWMM is a
stand-alone geospatial version of the same interface that provides
the same functionality but without requiring ArcGIS. Further
information is available from the
MWH Soft web site or from:
Erick Heath, P.E.
(626) 568-6855
Computer Analysis Tools (SewerCATTM) is a PC-based
software product that has been designed primarily for the
of flows and
heads within sewer networks. In 1999, an Extran engine was
added to SewerCAT. This work was partially funded by the City of
Philadelphia Water Department. The Extran code from SWMM version
4.4h has been taken and modified so that the purely computational
aspects of the model are encapsulated into a DLL (Dynamic Link
Library). The DLL conforms to the input and output required by
SewerCAT of its hydraulic engines. Information about SewerCAT and
the Extran DLL may be obtained from:
David T.
Phone: (206)
interactive ArcInfo pre-processor (and limited post-processor) for
SWMM was developed in 1992-93 by Dr. T. Gray Curtis. It couples the
ArcInfo GIS with SWMM. No charge for beta version. However, this
program is based on the 1993 Version 4.2 of SWMM, developed and is
not current. A better choice for interactive SWMM-GIS
activity is to use one of three GUIs discussed above: PCSWMM,
XP-SWMM, or Visual SWMM.
The 1993
Unix version of SwmmDuet may be downloaded via ftp at
at Oregon St. University.
Support is
program was developed by the EPA Office of Science and Technology
in 1994 as a Windows-based, menu-driven interface for parts of
SWMM. It has been useful as a training tool, but is too
limited in capabilities to be a useful production tool. This
version is not recommended
by W. Huber
for other than simple or learning simulations on the basis of
numerous small errors that have never been corrected.
(Use EPA
SWMM5 instead, described earlier.) Support
for the program by the EPA Office of Water has been discontinued as
of November 1999 and the program is no longer available. For
further information, contact
Russ Kinerson,
(202) 260-1330.
SWMM files are in the SWMM anonymous ftp location at OSU:
"Click" on
this location to download SWMM.
Version 44h contains the most recent updates and is recommended for
use. Version 4.31 will continue to be distributed until
version 44h has complete acceptance.
4.31 (7 files) (not recommended)
- read-me
file describing recent changes to the code (ASCII). After going to
the ftp site, this may be read by "clicking" on the title. Read it
to find out what's new. The date at the top usually corresponds to
the most current version of the model, and the most recent changes
can be found in the numerical listing, near the end of the
- pkzipped
executable (binary)
- pkzipped
Fortran code (binary)
- pkzipped
read-me and document (.DOC) files (binary)
- pkzipped
first set of SWMM examples, partially described in SWMMRDME
- pkzipped
second set of SWMM examples, partially described in SWMMRDME
- pkzipped
continuous SWMM example for Miami (binary)
4.4H (10 files) (recommended). Latest posted version: October
25, 2005.
= description of the files.
= win-zipped executable (swmm44h.exe)
= win-zipped Fortran code
= zipped data/document files (text files) for each block.
These are old .DOC files
from version 4.31 but should execute with version 4.4gu.
However, changes (documentation) for version 4.4 are contained in
.DOC files in file 44-doc.zip, below.
= zipped data/document files (text files) for each block that
contain documentation of changes for version 4.4g. These document
files (.doc) are text files, not Word files and may be used as
program input files. In addition, there are five
Word files
(44a.doc, 44f.doc, 44g.doc, cdm-extran-report.doc, cdm9-8-00.doc)
that describe all the changes implemented by Chuck Moore for
various versions of SWMM 4.4g. An additional file,
shapes.doc.txt, describes the geometries of Extran ellipse and arch
conduits, KLASS 9, 10, and 11. (Sorry for the confusion with
file extensions.)
= text file that documents any changes to various version 4.4
releases since the "base" version was released on September 28,
= zipped data and output files illustrating February 2001 overland
flow options.
= zipped documentation and sample data files for linked DO-BOD-NOD
water quality simulation in the Transport Block.
= zipped data files for testing of continuous simulations that span
the century boundary.
= zipped data files for testing current Canadian hourly and
15-minute precipitation formats in the Rain
Winzip version 8.0 has been used for file compression.
In addition
to the example files, the .DOC ("document") files contained in the
44-DOC.ZIP, OLD-DOC.ZIP, SWMMREAD.ZIP files and elsewhere are all
executable and should be referenced in any case for the latest
information on changes to SWMM input. The files are updated
whenever there is a SWMM update. The latest date is the date at the
beginning of the ASCII SWMMRDME file.
If there is
a problem, please contact
Users should note that all code is eventually given to EPA CEAM at
Athens, Georgia and is eventually incorporated into the "official"
EPA SWMM release. The most recent CEAM release is dated May 1994
and differs from the OSU release in that the CEAM release does
not have the most recent error corrections (listed at the end
of the SWMMRDME file).
Both the
OSU and CEAM versions use the same Lahey compiler and similar array
sizes for Version 4.3 and 4.31. Version 4.4 is compiled using
Compaq Digital Visual Fortran 6.6 (formerly Digital Visual
Fortran). When changes to the SWMM program are made, they
will be announced on the SWMM Internet discussion group on the
list-server at the University of Guelph. To subscribe to this free
service, send an Internet message to:
Leave the subject blank. The body of the message should contain
only: SUBSCRIBE SWMM-USERS followed by your NAME. You will
then receive copies of any messages sent to:
1. Ask WCH
(or other users) for help! Many problems have been encountered by
others and already solved. See if a solution already exists. If WCH
can't help, maybe someone else can.
2. Use the
most recent SWMM version. This will be Version 4.4h. Although
Version 4.31 (January 1997) is also provided, for continuity with
the May 1994 Version 4.30 provided by EPA, Version 44h or whatever
is most recent is recommended. The OSU version has corrections for
most known errors but does not include all needed updates and
modifications. The EPA CEAM Version 4.30 and OSU version 4.31 use
the Lahey 5.20 compiler (utilizing extended memory and giving
faster run times) and have larger array sizes than earlier OSU
versions compiled with RM Fortran. Both versions require about 4 Mb
of extended memory in which to execute. All error corrections are
summarized in the SWMMRDME file in the OSU version, and errors
corrected since the May 1994 EPA CEAM Version 4.30 release are
identified. Version 44h is compiled with Compaq Digital
Fortran 6.6 (formerly Digital Visual Fortran) and generally has
very large array sizes (e.g., number of pipes allowable in an
Extran simulation). These array limits are listed at the
beginning of the SWMM output.
described earlier in this web page, Version 4.4h is based on
modifications made by Camp Dresser & McKee and OSU and has the
most corrections and options. It is the preferred option
unless you have a special need for an earlier version.
Subscribe to newsletters (e.g., William James' SWMM News and
Notes), review Internet conversations (e.g.,
and attend user's group meetings. One users group meeting is always
held each year in Toronto in February-March, sponsored by William
and Notes
Dr. William James,
Hydraulics International (CHI)
36 Stuart St.
Guelph, Ontario N1E 4S5
Tel. (519) 767-0197, Fax. (519) 767-2770
Four issues
per year. Cost: ~US$50/yr for 4 copies of each issue.
4. Join the
Internet discussion group, hosted by
Dr. William James
at the University of Guelph. To join this free service, send an
e-mail message to:
Leave the subject blank. The body of the message should contain
only: SUBSCRIBE SWMM-USERS followed by your name. You will
then receive copies of any messages sent to:
errors, questions and problems are resolved within this busy
discussion group, and changes to the OSU SWMM release are announced
Note that
Dr. James operates similar list-servers for hec-users, hspf-users,
and wasp-users. These may be joined in the same manner as for
5. Read
this OSU SWMM Web page! New SWMM releases may be obtained here
along with additional information about the model.
of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering
Oregon State University
202 Apperson Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331-2302
phone: 541-737-6150
Web site last updated: October 25, 2005.
Since March
1999 there have been approximately
visitors to this site.
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Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering