Example SWMM5 Models

Example SWMM5 Models is a good description. They a lot of the SWMM5 hydrology, water quality, LID and hydraulics. There are 85 files on my Google Drive.  The link shown below should let you download the files.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18i_ryImzc_woEJo_ELKJ-H8DvIedWNFF?usp=sharing    

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Aug 12, 2023

Continuity error related to pumping and inclusion of on-site pumping measurements to simulations

Hi all,I am reaching out hoping someone can enlighten me with two questions. Thank you all in advance!I am currently working at simulating the complete sewer system of a municipality. The system is roughly composed of 100 km of pipes, 13 lifting pump stations (34 pumps) and 1,600 junctions.  I am working with PCSWMM (I apologize as I am not using SWMM per se) to set up my DWFs and flow patterns, run and calibrate the model (I have 7 points for calibration purposes). I have likewise set up the…

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Feb 5, 2019

Rain gauge Time-Series

Good day I am using daily rainfall data to model my catchment. For the time series, does rainfall have to be 7 digits. for instance, 0mm of rain inserted as 0000000 and 2,2mm as 000002,2. my supervisor has told me to use this way of inserting data. will it make any difference if i do not use this way of inserting my rainfall data. 

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson May 21, 2018

LID Control Editor

Hi there, Very new SWMM user here. Interested in defining some LID Controls so I can select them for my subcatchments in the drop down menu in the editor.  It seems I need to first define the Controls and how they are routed using the specialized property editor "LID Control Editor". Does anyone have recommendations for how to add this editor to my SWMM 5.1 interface? Thanks! -Ben

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2 Replies · Reply by Benjamin Fahy Feb 24, 2018

Control Rules

Rule 1IF SIMULATION TIME >= 0THEN ORIFICE UnderdrainPipe SETTING = 0PRIORITY 1Rule 2IF NODE GravelSU DEPTH > 0.6THEN ORIFICE Backtosoil SETTING = 1ELSE ORIFICE Backtosoil SETTING = 0PRIORITY 2My intentions are: Rule 1, The orifice "UnderdrainPipe" starts as closed and is always closed for the entire simulation, and Rule 2 If the depth in GravelSU storage unit node rises to 0.6ft or greater, another Orifice Backtosoil is supposed to open and convey water.SWMM is not responding to my intentions.…

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7 Replies · Reply by Bernard Bahaya Dec 2, 2017

Underground Storage Units

I am currently attempting to model in SWMM Stormtech chambers as a subsurface pond/storage unit connected to a surface pond with a higher stage. How do I cap off the underground system so water will not pond higher than the top of my chambers? When i run the model, it wants to flood and have the water go to a higher elevation.Since the system is capped, once the chambers fill up, water should backflow to the pond.Thanks

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Oct 25, 2017

SWMM Times-series input options

Very glad that i join the group. am new to SWMM5.1.12 Version.currently am doing modeling the stormwater for a small urban catchment.no difficulties while studying and applying the model but i only have daily recorded rainfall data-set which am confused either SWMM accepts only timeseries values at interval of 5,15,hourly?or is it recommended to use daily intervals for simulation? and what possible uncertainities could happen if its ok to use? please,appreciate any one helping me.tnx

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4 Replies · Reply by TEAMIR ABRAHA Jun 9, 2017

How are the St Venant Units used in #SWMM5?

 Overview In this blog we example the St Venant terms used in SWMM5 as equations, table, graphs and units.  We use a QA/QC version of SWMM 5 that lists many more link, node, system and Subcatchment variables than the default SWMM 5 GUI and engine.  This also applies to #InfoSWMM and any software the uses the #SWMM5 engine. How are the St Venant Terms used in SWMM5? Figure 1 shows the terms and Figure 2  and Figure 3 shows the terms in a SWMM5 table and SWMM5 graph.  dq2 = Time Step * Area…

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0 Replies

Calculate runoff depth of a subbasin

Hi all,

I am trying to calculate runoff depth for a subbasin from the subbasin peak flow ( collected from SWMM model)by inverting the manning's equation ( as SWMM uses manning's equation for the calculation of peak flow) . In that case,…

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Comments: 0

Modeling "Leaf" Gates

I am trying to determine the best way to represent "leaf" gates in SWMM5.  The gate consists of two panels that overlap each other.  The top gate serves as an overflow weir and drops as the upstream water level rises.  If the top gate is fully…

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DS Bisht


Hello Bob,

Please have a look on my model. I could not find the option to attach the zip file there.…

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Comments: 0

Diversion Sturctures and SSO events in SWMM 5

I'm a new user to SWMM and i'm currently trying to model SSO events at a waste water treatment plant. I've been using dynamic routing and I've been having trouble modeling the diversion structure. Currently I have a storage node acting as a wet…

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Comments: 1

Running SWMM5 Using .bat files

Hi Robert,

I have a folder with many inp files representing different urbanization scenarios for a watershed in VA. I would like to automate the processing of this files because it is something I'll most probably will have to do…

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Comments: 1

Large data output extraction in SWMM


I have developed a model with 33 subcatchments using 1 year hourly  rainfall data. The problem is when I try to get the runoff for all the subcatchments it says '' too many objects to display".

It would be really…

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Comments: 1


i have every 1h of total 12h rainfall time series data and run for 12h . so i got total precipitation in status report is 108 mm but when i sum up total time series is 112mm which is grater then report.

moreover when i use…

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Comments: 1

thanks bob for your reply, can you tell me another issues like total precipitation in status report how it is calculated? i am using time series rainfall for 10 minute interval as intensity. total precipitation value and depth in status are not…

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Comments: 2

Why Hyderabad is the Ideal Location for Logistics Businesses

Hyderabad is one of India's most advanced and rapidly growing cities. It has a population of over 10 million people and a GDP of over $100 billion. The city has excellent infrastructure including an international airport, a well-developed motorway network, and excellent rail and port facilities. Hyderabad is also the commercial capital of Andhra Pradesh and one of the leading business hubs in India. Hyderabad's strategic location Hyderabad is the capital of Andhra Pradesh and one of the most populous cities in South India. With its well-developed infrastructure, stable political environment, and skilled workforce, Hyderabad is an ideal location for businesses involved in logistics. The city has a wide range of transportation options, including railways, roads, waterways, and airways. Additionally, Hyderabad has numerous commercial and industrial areas that are well-connected by roads and railways. Finally, the city has a large population of skilled workers who are able to provide…

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson May 16, 2022

What Are the Features Ideal Soccer Shoes Should Have?

Players in the game of soccer need to be able to move quickly and effectively in order to get the ball past their opponents. This means paying attention to their equipment, not just what they wear, but also what they use to run with. Shoes are one of the most important pieces of equipment that players should invest in, not just for protection but for agility as well.They Should Be Durable Soccer is a demanding sport in which the player is constantly running, jumping, tackling, and kicking. The importance of finding the right shoe can't be over-emphasized when it comes to your performance on the field. A pair of shoes should be durable because you are often running or kicking with them. The shoes should also have features that promote comfort for long periods of time. They should also have good arch support because this will help prevent injury. If you're looking at buying soccer cleats, make sure they fit properly so that they don't cause pain while playing. You want to find something…

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0 Replies

Multiple simulations with SWMM5 in DOS version

Hi everyone, I need to run a large number of simulations (approx. 15000) with different sets of LID design parameters. My objective is to get model responses (e.g. infiltration, surface runoff, etc.) against different sets of LID design parameters. I know the way to run SWMM5 with a batch command, however, Is there any way to run together all simulations iteratively, where each simulation will pick one set of design parameters and produce a report file. Your responses will be highly appreciated. Thank you

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Aug 23, 2021

Example SWMM5 Models

Example SWMM5 Models is a good description. They a lot of the SWMM5 hydrology, water quality, LID and hydraulics. There are 85 files on my Google Drive.  The link shown below should let you download the files.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/18i_ryImzc_woEJo_ELKJ-H8DvIedWNFF?usp=sharing    

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Aug 12, 2023

Continuity error related to pumping and inclusion of on-site pumping measurements to simulations

Hi all,I am reaching out hoping someone can enlighten me with two questions. Thank you all in advance!I am currently working at simulating the complete sewer system of a municipality. The system is roughly composed of 100 km of pipes, 13 lifting pump stations (34 pumps) and 1,600 junctions.  I am working with PCSWMM (I apologize as I am not using SWMM per se) to set up my DWFs and flow patterns, run and calibrate the model (I have 7 points for calibration purposes). I have likewise set up the calibration for wet conditions and results are fair enough for both cases. Up to hear nothing is out of extraordinary, however, at first, I set the outlet offset of the upstream pipes to the pumping stations to 0 m as no information was known in advance.My new model, same conditions as above, includes the offset of the upstream pipes for each pumping station. When I changed this and runt, my model again, the continuity error went from ~ 3% to 7%. I checked my status report and it seems to me that…

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson Feb 5, 2019

gis information

I´m using inp.pins to create an inp field from shape files of nodes and links but the program just create a inp with nodes, i need to solve this problem any way, using  this program or another way to do it. I´m also have a problem because i don´t have subcatchment areas to run swmm, how can i solve it?Then i need to link this model with a hecras model to generate a dual model betwaen river and seaage net, how can  i do it?Is there someone who can help me?

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0 Replies

Calibration of RTK parameters using SRTC tool from PCSWMM

Hi everyone,I am currently having problems with calibrating/finding my RTK parameters and derive a unit hydrograph for my wet period simulations, so any help is more than appreciated!!  I have set up my DWF and flow patterns, and I have calibrated my model using my field flow measurements and the SRTC tool implemented within PCSWMM. I have followed all the steps to derive an RTK unit hydrograph and I have implemented it in my simulations. I have also tried to calibrate the RTK parameters for short, medium and long-term responses. Everything works nicely in my calibration for DWF and all the steps work well for the RTK unit hydrograph creation, however, when I use the SRTC tool I see no response in my hydrographs (comparing my simulated and observed hydrographs), implying that my RTK parameters have no effect on my hydrograph response. How should I understand that my sensibility analysis results in no response from changing my RTK values?Please note that I am ignoring initial…

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2 Replies · Reply by Claudio Consuegra Martínez Sep 10, 2018

Rain gauge Time-Series

Good day I am using daily rainfall data to model my catchment. For the time series, does rainfall have to be 7 digits. for instance, 0mm of rain inserted as 0000000 and 2,2mm as 000002,2. my supervisor has told me to use this way of inserting data. will it make any difference if i do not use this way of inserting my rainfall data. 

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1 Reply · Reply by Robert Dickinson May 21, 2018

gis information

I´m using inp.pins to create an inp field from shape files of nodes and links but the program just create a inp with nodes, i need to solve this problem any way, using  this program or another way to do it. I´m also have a problem because i don´t have subcatchment areas to run swmm, how can i solve it?Then i need to link this model with a hecras model to generate a dual model betwaen river and seaage net, how can  i do it?Is there someone who can help me?

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0 Replies

Linking or Coupling SWMM with Genetic Algorithm

Hello, I'm working on the coupling of  SWMM with Genetic Algorithm by use Matlab language.I want to call SWMM in Matlab "Genetic Algorithm"Explain my idea: 1. build system model in SWMM.2. Open "program Genetic Algorithm"  programming by Matlab language.3. Call SWMM in "program Genetic Algorithm".4. Do run for the model in SWMM.5. Change value of pipe diameter 6. Replay run the model in SWMM with different value of Diameter.7. Find Optimal diameter of sewer by Genetic Algorithm.Best…

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1 Reply · Reply by I Putu Gustave Suryantara Pariar May 9, 2016

Export time series of all nodes in one text file for SWMM

Hi,I am trying to make a link between SWMM and MATLAB (couple operation) to derive optimal policies. So, I call SWMM in MATLAB in each function evaluation process and need its results for decision making of optimization algorithm.The problem is that I need to export data of some control nodes in one "text file" (for example time series of depth in one internal node) to have access to that data and be able to evaluate the objective function and change the policy until convergence. As I see,…

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7 Replies · Reply by Hussain SHAHZAD May 30, 2018

Safe way to change simulation data during runtime

Hello,I'm working on the coupling of  SWMM with a homemade 2D superficial flow model. The later is written in Python.For this purpose, I'm currently writing a Python wrapper for SWMM using ctypes. So far I managed to control a simulation from Python using swmm_step() and get results at each time-step using node_getResults(). But for my purpose I will need to exchange nodes data at runtime. Simply put, at each time-step I need to read values from given nodes, and then update them before the next…

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2 Replies · Reply by Rudy VanDrie Feb 15, 2017

the successful way to combine MATLAB with SWMM

Hi everyone, I found there were many questions about how to call SWMM in matlab, and this problem has bothered me for a long time. Now I find a way to combine MATLAB with SWMM, it solve my problem, and I want to share with your guys . The principle is to read and change .inp file of SWMM, and call swmm in MATLAB, then read the .rpt file to import data to matlab workspace. The step and the main command are like below:1. use  the command 'textscan' in matlab to read .inp file, the result will be…

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1 Reply · Reply by Gerardo Andres Riaño Briceño Oct 23, 2015

open .out file

Hello everyone,I would like to read the .out file in a text editor created after a simulation in SWMM5.However I can't get anything readable when I open the file in notepad or some equivalent software. As I would like to combine SWMM and Matlab, I need to see and understand the structure of the .out file...Anyone knows how to do that?Thanks,Nicolas

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4 Replies · Reply by deville May 27, 2014

Sample code and example for link SWMM to Matlab

Hello folks, I was happy for the fact that I found this website but my excitement didnt last long! I read all of the dicussions here but I couldnt find a post which directly show me how to connect Matlab to SWMM. Yes, you do parallel processing and all of the fancy stuff with SWMM but I still don't know how call the SWMM! I may have missed something. I'm looking for a sample code to call SWMM from Matlab and do some changes to calibrate and essentially optimize the specific parameters. I think…

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3 Replies · Reply by Gerardo Andres Riaño Briceño Oct 23, 2015


Welcome to my website! My name is Robert E Dickinson, but you can call me RED. On this website, you can find information about the Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) and its applications in watershed water quality, hydrology, and hydraulics modeling. I am a Co-Developer of several versions of SWMM, including SWMM3, SWMM4, SWMM5, and SWMM5+ (where I served as an adviser), as well as other software programs such as XPSWMM, Innovyze InfoSWMM, and Innovyze InfoSewer. I have been working with these programs since my time at the University of Florida in 1972 and have been with Innovyze since 2007.11 or 1992.11 (depending on how you define periods of time).

If you just want to read the information on this website, you do not need to sign in. However, if you want to add a discussion or blog post, you will need to sign in as a Ning user. If you do not want to sign in, you can still contact me with any questions you may have by emailing me at robert.dickinson@gmail.com or robert.dickinson@autodesk.com, and I will do my best to help. In addition to this website, we also have a blogspot blog with a local and Google search option, which can help you find tagged information on SWMM456.COM and the Wordpress site SWMM5.ORG. You can also check out my recent posts on Twitter and the Official Innovyze Blog, which has useful information on InfoWorks ICM and ICM SWMM

Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Information for watershed water quality, hydrology and hydraulics modelers (not associated with the EPA)

I am a Co-Developer of SWMM3, SWMM4, SWMM5, SWMM6 (Adviser), XPSWMM & Innovyze InfoSWMM, InfoSewer, LID, RDII, GA Product Manager/Specialist All of these together since  since August '72 @Innovyze since 2007.11 or 1992.11 depending on how you want to define periods of time.



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Important News about the Current SWMM 5.1.015


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Aug 12, 2023
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Nevin Nsekhe is now a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM
Nov 18, 2022
Amanuel Meskele replied to Robert Dickinson's discussion SWMM 5 Add On Tools
"I have connected with excel..but how can I do calibration"
Nov 9, 2022