Subject: SWMM 5 Precipitation Options
You can have design storms, monitored storms of any length of the time from minutes to centuries, use intensity, volume or cumulative precipitation, use both rainfall and snowfall in the same rain gage depending on temperature, use both time series or external files for the rain gage and have unlimited rain gages with the limitation of one rain gage per subcatchment .
I thought it might have to do with subcatchments. Perfect solution. Many thanks!
Oops, I never noticed this before but the System Rainfall graph data is coming from the Subcatchments. I would add a 0.1 acre pervious only subcatchment to get around the zero area problem. It actually does save your rainfall but since the total area is zero the rainfall graph shows zero.
SysResults[SYS_RAINFALL] +=
(REAL4)(SubcatchResults[SUBCATCH_RAINFALL] * area);
I have a question about rainfall. Why is it that I can run a model with RDII using a rainfall time series but I can't graph the system precipitation? Where is the system precipitation graph trying to pull the data from? I haven't been able to find an answer in the User's guide so far.
attached a photo and model