Beginning in September Innovyze is offering free educational webinars. The 14 part technical series runs through March 2014. Users and prospective users of Innovyze software can register for one or all of the events.
Each webinar will last approximately one hour and is hosted live by an Innovyze engineer and will include:
- Technical Overview
- Product Features and Benefits
- Live Product Demonstration
- Questions and Answers

Webinar Schedule:
Risk-based Prioritization of Sewer Rehabilitation with InfoMaster Sewer
September 9, 2013
With InfoMaster Sewer, wastewater utilities and their consultants can leverage both their existing CCTV information and GIS data to create an optimized prioritized renewal/rehabilitation plan. Users can choose whether to weight their plan towards current conditions or towards a calculated risk (probability and consequence of asset failure and business risk exposure). NASSCO PACP, MACP and LACP V6.0 certified,InfoMaster Sewer also includes the ability to custom-built a multi-step decision tree of rehabilitation techniques based on current pipe condition and hydraulic capacity. The software provides a sound foundation to budgeting for proactive infrastructure renewal/rehabilitation work and responding to public inquiries about renewal schedules and priorities. Available exclusively for the Esri ArcGIS 10.x platform, InfoMaster Sewer includes components to run on desktop, web, tablet, and smartphone environments.
Real Time Water Distribution Forecasting and Modeling with IWLive
September 23, 2013
IWLive is the first product of its kind to combine hydraulic modeling, weather predictions, and current SCADA information to give water system operators a clear picture of how their system will behave in the future. IWLivecan be used to propose fixes to operational problems before they occur; common examples include: water main breaks, peak demand periods, real time fire flow evaluation.
Real Time Analysis of System Demands with DemandWatch and Demand Analyst
October 14, 2013
Short-term water demand pattern forecast is essential for cost-effective operation of distribution systems. A revolutionary short-term demand forecasting software, DemandWatch changes the way water utilities around the world leverage historical demand data to estimate future water demands for real-time, near-optimal control and management of their water distribution systems. Its primary strength lies in its adaptive demand forecasting process, which can continually update and refine estimated demand values in real time. Armed with this power, water utilities can better plan, operate and manage their water distribution systems, improve conservation measures, minimize energy consumption, meet regulatory compliance, and enhance customer service.
Using BalanceNet for Real Time Optimization and Energy Savings of Water Distribution Systems
November 4, 2013
Energy costs can constitute a largest expenditure for nearly all water utilities — consuming as much as 65 percent of an annual operating budget. BalanceNet is designed expressly to assist water distribution system operators and train new operators in managing their energy consumption more effectively by equipping control rooms with the real-time ability to develop sound, cost-effective pump scheduling policies that reduce operational costs. Designed for online applications with existing SCADA systems, BalanceNet reads real-time field data, instantly updates the network model and determines the pump and treatment plant operation schedules that will yield the lowest operating cost while satisfying the system’s hydraulic and water quality requirements. It uniquely combines an optimized mass balance model with an advanced network solver to quickly produce a set of near-optimal solutions for improving system operations.
Real-Time Surveillance of Water Distribution Systems with PressureWatch: Identifying and Managing Leaks and Breaks
November 18, 2013
PressureWatch provides water utilities the unprecedented ability to continuously monitor and assess their network hydraulic performance so that problems can be resolved quickly or avoided altogether. The software provides for rapid identification and warning of network performance problems, leaks, breaks, loss of system integrity, and other operational inefficiencies, and helps minimize their impact through early detection and location. It allows utilities to manage their water networks in a more effective and highly proactive way.
Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring and Compliance with QualWatch
Dec 2, 2013
QualWatch provides water utilities continuous real-time monitoring of water quality dynamics in their water distribution networks to help them quickly detect potential contamination and prevent security breaches. It enables water utility operators to instantly compare water quality data against regulatory requirements such as maximum contaminant levels and pinpoint any violations; recognize abnormal water quality changes caused by contamination; detect unanticipated normal events such as main breaks, backflows and sensor malfunctions; and spot the onset of anomalous incidents they can evaluate and act on. The result is proactive network water quality management that ensures safety and security for all consumers. QualWatch can analyze any standard water quality data — total chlorine, free chlorine, chloride, pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, turbidity, total dissolved solids, nitrate, chlorophyll, oxidation reduction potential and other parameters — and help detect a wide variety of contaminants including pathogens, metals and pesticides.
Risk-based Prioritization of Water Main Replacement featuring InfoMaster Water
December 16, 2013
As the rapid deterioration of underground infrastructures progresses, many water utilities are struggling to develop a rehabilitation and replacement program that addresses the most critical pipes in the system. Many capital improvement programs spend millions of dollars annually on projects that do little to lower total system risk. You'll learn how InfoMaster Water lets utilities leverage GIS, hydraulic modeling, work order management and other enterprise data to analyze the likelihood and consequence of pipe failure in a water network — and use this information to develop optimized risk-based infrastructure improvement plans. Available exclusively for the Esri ArcGIS 10.x platform, InfoMaster Water includes components to run on desktop, web, tablet, and smartphone environments.
Modeling and Eliminating Transients in Water Distribution Systems with InfoSurge
January 6, 2014Transients in water distribution systems are a major concern for pipeline analysis, design and operation as they have the potential to wreck or damage pipeline systems and equipment, reduce system efficiency, induce adverse water quality conditions, and threaten the integrity and quality of supply as well as public safety. Learn how to use InfoSurge to affectively diagnose and solve distribution system transient issues.
Advanced Integrated Catchment Modeling with InfoWorks ICM
January 21, 2014
Explore InfoWorks ICM, the first software in the world to successfully combine 1D simulation of flows in sewers with 2D simulation of surface flooding. It can be effectively used to accurately simulate the flow of stormwater and wastewater; predict flood risks; support cost-effective drainage design and management; develop online urban flooding forecasts; conceive and evaluate sound and reliable urban catchment strategies such as storm sewer separation, active real-time control and provision of adequate additional storage; and improve the operation of any drainage system.
Real-Time Modeling and Operational Forecasting of Sewers with ICMLive
February 3, 2014
ICMLive provides sewer system operators and engineers with ability to continuously monitor and effectively control the flow of stormwater and wastewater in their collection systems. A powerful risk assessment and real-time decision making tool, ICMLive combines the comprehensive integrated catchment modeling capabilities ofInfoWorks ICM with sophisticated real-time operational forecasting, early warning, and emergency management. It enables managers and operators to consider the influence of a full range of catchment factors in the management of flooding and the reduction of unregulated discharges; the optimization of storage and existing infrastructure, leading to savings on capital works; and the optimization of pumps to lower energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions.
Modeling and Control of Surface Flooding with InfoSWMM 2D
February 17, 2014
Two-dimensional (2D) simulation is better suited than one-dimensional simulation (1D) for modeling flows through complex geometries. These include urban streets and buildings, road intersections and other transport infrastructure, and open ground, where either the source or direction of flow is problematic to assume. In this seminar, you'll learn how to use InfoSWMM 2D to perform a 2D overland flow analysis to better manage flooding and improve drainage and water quality. The software can be effectively used for many types of optimization studies like Green and Grey infrastructure including conveyance, storage and treatment as well as for sewer rehabilitation, conveyance, storage and treatment.
Designing and Implementing an Effective Unidirectional Flushing Program in Record time with InfoWater UDF
March 3, 2014
Unidirectional flushing (UDF) is the most effective way of cleaning water mains and maintaining water quality and system capacity. It also requires the least amount of water of any cleaning method. Valves are closed and hydrants opened to create a one-way flow that accelerates the speed of water in the mains, maximizing shear velocity near the pipe wall and producing a scouring action that effectively removes sediment deposits and biofilm. Learn how the automated design tools in InfoWater UDF, allow engineers to create these flushing sequences in record time.
Real-Time SWMM-based Modeling and Operational Forecasting of Sewers with SWMMLive
March 17, 2014
SWMMLive provides sewer system operators and engineers with ability to continuously monitor and effectively control the flow of stormwater and wastewater in their collection systems using the USEPA SWMM engine. A powerful risk assessment and real-time decision making tool, SWMMLive combines the modeling capabilities ofInfoSWMM with sophisticated real-time operational forecasting, early warning, and emergency management. It enables managers and operators to consider the influence of a full range of catchment factors in the management of flooding and the reduction of unregulated discharges; the optimization of storage and existing infrastructure, leading to savings on capital works; and the optimization of pumps to lower energy costs and reduce CO2 emissions.