I am having trouble doing something that I have done a thousand times before, I am trying to directly input flow data into a node, for whatever reason, it refuses to accept it. I go to time series editor, name it, paste it in, view it, and then go to the node and select it in "direct" under the direct tab...it just will not process it...I have not done this for a while but it is a small system....
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
I guess Forrest Gump was right, "Stupid is as Stupid does"
Your inflow time series did not have the proper year - 08 is not the same as 2008. If you change the year to 2008 then it will run: