Hello sir! I am trying to input a historical time series data as inflow into a node in SWMM. I followed the format: STA ID YEAR MONTH DAY HOUR MINUTE VALUE but i keep getting the ERROR 173 warning. I have a daily rainfall data recorded for ten years in excel. how can i convert it into an external input file. Can you provide me with a sample external file in the aforementioned format that SWMM recognizes? Thanks in advance!

You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!


Email me when people reply –


  • Try this example,  SWMM5 can handle thousands of years as long as the rainfall is in a file and not a time series.  I will email both to you.

    • I succeed running your file! Yet I find that the formatting of my data from 2010-2012 have some problem, that's why I cannot run my model before. Thank you so much for making me understand and reply so quickly on weekends!

  • Return Periods Using The  SWMM 5 Statistics Tool

    A great feature in SWMM 5 is the Statistics tool which allows you compute the long term statistics for 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 or 1000 years (and probably longer).  You run the simulation, pick a parameter to analyze then compute the:
    A. Return Period of all of the Events,
    B. Based on the Overall Time Series of Results, and
    C. The Frequency Graph of the Found Events.

    The Return Period is normally the Simulation Length + 1, For example, a 100 year simulation has a return period of 101 years.  Or in terms of the SWMM 5 Delphi Code

    K := E^.Rank;
    R := (Results.Duration + 1 - 2*Stats.PlotParameter)/(K - Stats.PlotParameter);

    where the PlotParameter is normally zero so the value for R ends up being

    R := (Results.Duration + 1 )/(K);

    Return Periods in SWMM 5 Statistics
    • Hi sir! I have the same problem Error 173 when I am running with a ten year hourly rainfall data. I am thinking of converting my excel sheet into a data file but I don't know what's the format. Could you help with the formatting? I am sending my rainfall data to your gmail. Thank you for your attention!

      • Are you sending it to my gmail address?

        • I think I have a problem sending it. Is your email address Robert.Dickisnon@gmail.com? II tried several times but only get the following result from Mail Delivery Subsystem:

          Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


          Technical details of permanent failure:
          The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. 
          Is there any typo in my typing of your email address?
          Thank you!

            • Here is the format for a user defined rainfall in SWMM5

              When a rain gage is designated as receiving its rainfall data from a file, the user must supply the name of the file and the name of the recording station referenced in the file. For the standard user-prepared format, the rainfall type (e.g., intensity or volume), recording time interval, and depth units must also be supplied as rain gage properties. For the other file types these properties are defined by their respective file format and are automatically recognized by SWMM.

              Your rainfall was not in this format  if you change it to this format it will work,  you can use @year, @month etc in Excel


              • Thanks for the reply!  I can get what you mean by time intervals and I format them like this:

                2000 10 1 1 0 0 0

                The columns represent year, month, date, hour, minute, second and rainfall respectively. Yet I am a little bit confused about where to put the  the name of the file and the name of the recording station and the rainfall type as you referred to. Could you shown me how an entire row should look like? Thank you! :D

                • CDS-51 2000 10 3 16 0 0
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 17 0 0
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 18 0 0
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 19 0 0
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 20 0 0.112659131
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 21 0 0.112659131
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 22 0 0.242022606
                  CDS-51 2000 10 3 23 0 0.158352171
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 0 0 0.158352171
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 1 0 0.197340869
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 2 0 0.08
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 3 0 0.065318263
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 4 0 0.025318263
                  CDS-51 2000 10 4 5 0 0

                  You really do not need the zero rainfall if you want to make the text file smaller.

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