Hi, I made a diagram of precipitation, loss and evaporation based on the data modeled from SWMM, but why evaporation value is much higher than precipitation and loss? I think the loss here is infiltration and evaporation loss, but why only evaporation value is higher than the total loss and even precipitation? I set it to compute from temperature in climate file.
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
Now, i understand, the evaporation plot in the System Graph of SWMM 5 is deceptive, it shows the evaporation rate you have entered for the simulation. The actual evaporation used during the simulation is smaller or equal to the loss rate
The loss graphed in SWMM 5 is the sum or infiltration + evaporation loss. How did you get the data for the graph of evaporation on your graph?
Hi! I viewed the final data in table and only chose evaporation, making graph by myself.