I would like to run simulations in SWMM on a given network to check the sensitivity analysis for TSS (pollutant). From what i have been able to figure out, I need to generate random numbers through standard functions and normal distributions for the 4 parameters in the exponential formulas of buildup and wash off functions. Can anyone help me with how to do that because I am not good with statistics etc, and i need 500 sets of these parameters. I do have the minimum and maximum ranges available for these 4 parameters from literature.
Hi, Are you using Matlab or an external program to run SWMM 5? If so I would use the DOS console program generate your changed TSS parameters and run the model 500 times collecting the total buildup and washoff for each of your 500 runs. Programs that can do this include SAS and other statistical packages. Excel also has a random number generator so that part is easy to do.