I'm having issues with an attenuation feature. I've simulated the rainfall event (24 hours) and now I'm looking to see how long it will take to drain down using outlets with Head/flow relationships (simulated vortex controls e.g hydrobrake). Problem is that the storage unit doesn't want to drain down after 24 hours - even though in the map view I can see flows out of the feature in the subsequent days. Its stuck at the same level and volume.
Any ideas?
Hi Robert,
no it's not that - its more peculiar. It varies with simulation runs. I can press the button again and get a different result. Sometimes it goes to 72 hours as expected (then stops) and then on other runs it only gets to 24 hours before it levels off. The lowest it has drained is to 0.5m in 72 hours. I can see outflow at the nodes during the periods its not emptying but the storage isn't going down. I might just delete and replace the storage node and see if that fixes it. Could this be a time-step issue?
It looks like your tank has no outflow when the depth is less than 0.65 feet - what is the offset depths for the links coming out of the pond?