I want to model the behavior of wastewater with SWMM, the problem is that I do not know how to introduce the flow in each pipe. I introduced my data in initial flow and max flow but in the profiel plot _ I get empty pipes please help me
I want to model the behavior of wastewater with SWMM, the problem is that I do not know how to introduce the flow in each pipe. I introduced my data in initial flow and max flow but in the profiel plot _ I get empty pipes please help me
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
The shortest link in your model is controlling the time step, I just picked 10 seconds as it was closer to the average time step in your model
and why 10 second exactly and not another value?
after modeling pipes the result is the following but there is a problem at some junctions as CH8 and CH13 the water level is very high as we see how I can solve this problem please
Hi, You were using the kinematic wave solution, if you use the dynamic wave solution, a ten second time step and Keep as a routing option the depths will be better at those two nodes. You also have a lot of entrance and exit losses - maybe lower losses will be better.
how can I have a legend of SWMM as shown in the picture ie the detailed about each conduit and each junction
No, you cannot, the HGL plots of SWMM 5 are limited
Hi Again,
If you have only one flow value and no time series, enter the flow value either as a baseline flow or a dry weather flow. The flow into the node is the sum of the inflow time series, the baseline flow + the dry weather flow but you do not need a time series
okey think you
but I do not know how to differentiate between that baseline flow and a dry weather flow?
thank you a lot
It seems as if your flow is a baseline flow, so I would just you the baseline option in your case.