Has somebody ever try to simulate a green roof with a bio-retention cell?
I can't understand exactly the meaning of some parameters, so if someone has an example on a real case of study, I will be happy to take a look!
Has somebody ever try to simulate a green roof with a bio-retention cell?
I can't understand exactly the meaning of some parameters, so if someone has an example on a real case of study, I will be happy to take a look!
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
Hello Steve,
This is how the equation is used in the code
getStorageOutflow(double depth)
// Input: depth = depth of water in storage layer (ft)
// Output: returns outflow from storage layer (ft/s)//
// Note: drain eqn. is evaluated in user's units.
double delta = depth - theLidProc->drain.offset;
maxValue = delta * theLidProc->storage.voidFrac / Tstep;
maxValue = feet / second
delta *= UCF(RAINDEPTH); feet converted to mm
outflow = theLidProc->drain.coeff *
pow(delta, theLidProc->drain.expon);
outflow in mm = mm/hour * delta in mm ^ drain.expon
outflow /= UCF(RAINFALL); mm converted back to feet
outflow = MIN(outflow, maxValue); outflow
to me the units are correct.
Segnalo ottima tesi Enrico Capuccini su uso di SWMM per applicazioni di tecnologie BMP ai sistemi di drenaggio, liberamente scaricabile
Esemplificazioni e applicazioni a casi di studio
Thank you Nevio, that is a very good reference for urban LID's and BMP's!
Thank you!! I'm going to study what you gave me!
Hello Stefano,
Here is a sample SWMM 5 LID model with Bio Retention - I hope this helps
In the Lid Control Editor for a Bio-Retention Cell there are two parameters who's phisical meaning I can't understand. They are the Drain Coefficient (C) and the Drain Exponent (n).
According to the Lid Editor the Drain Coefficient is [mm/hr], but according to the equation C = 2D1/2/T (from the help) it seems to be [mm^0.5/hr].
I don't understand what they phisically mean!
Thank you!!