Join us for a Regional User Group Meeting in Atlanta Atlanta, GA, USA - May 23, 2012
This Regional User Group Meeting is hosted by City of Atlanta Department of Watershed Management. Learn about new products and features and network with local users from utilities and consulting firms. The event is free of charge and is designed for experienced, new or potential users. During the User Group Meeting, you will have the opportunity to network with local users and hear how they are improving their workflow, completing projects more efficiently and supporting their decision making using Innovyze Products.
To attend this event please register at www.innovyze.com/news/events/atlanta_2012/
Popular InfoWorks ICM Seminar to be Repeated Birmingham, UK - May 30, 2012
Last December we ran our first InfoWorks ICM Seminar. Combining the best elements of a workshop and a standard training day, this new kind of event aimed to give attendees a firm foundational understanding of InfoWorks ICM and its best application to their work. Attendees from the previous seminar told us that it met their needs well and provided excellent value for money. As a result, we will be holding the event again this month, on Wednesday, May 30, 2012.
Download further information and booking form
Register Now for 2012 Asia Pacific Water and Sewer Systems
Modeling Conference Gold Coast, Australia - August 21-22, 2012
The 2012 Asia Pacific Water and Sewer Systems Modelling Conference will bring together world leaders in water and sewer network modeling, network management and optimization, and asset management. Attendees will learn the latest practices, technologies, solutions and regulations in the water/wastewater industries, will network on a global scale and will create valuable relationships with industry peers.
Places are limited, so sign up today at www.asiapacificwater.com/
Call for Papers and Registration Open for Innovyze European
User Conference 2012 Birmingham, UK - September 19-20, 2012
Innovyze would like to invite you to join us for our European User Conference 2012. This annual event is an indispensable opportunity for users of Innovyze’s range of products to hear about the very latest advances to the software, learn how others are using it and to gain insight into future advances in the industry.
To register for this event, to submit a paper and for more information please visitwww.watermodelling.com
Modeling and Eliminating Transients in Water Distribution Systems with InfoSurge Webinar - Tuesday, May 22, 2012 1:00pm EDT
Unidirectional flushing (UDF) is the most effective way of cleaning water mains and maintaining water quality and system capacity. It also requires the least amount of water of any cleaning method. Valves are closed and hydrants opened to create a one-way flow that accelerates the speed of water in the mains, maximizing shear velocity near the pipe wall and producing a scouring action that effectively removes sediment deposits and biofilm. Learn how the automated design tools in InfoWater UDF, allow engineers to create these flushing sequences in record time.
Sign up for this and other webinars at www.innovyze.com/education/webinars/
The user forums, located at http://forums.innovyze.com, provide a community where water and wastewater network asset modeling and management professionals can interact. Community members can collaborate, share tips, solutions, ideas and best practices. They can post questions, provide responses to other users, help one another solve problems, learn, and invent new ways to get things done better and faster. Innovyze staff will moderate the forums and respond to Innovyze-specific questions as appropriate. The forums also provide convenient access to information on new product releases and enhancements, product functionality, user group meetings and other company events, and general updates to the Innovyze customer base.
“The launch of our new Water and Wastewater User Forums is a direct reflection of our continued investment in innovative, market-leading relationships with our valued customers and our commitment to further enhancing the user experience,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “Our customers use our smart water software suite on a daily basis. Who better to discuss best practices with? Our customers now have a place to call home — a web destination where they can talk about their network modeling and asset management experiences with other users and members of the Innovyze team. Equally importantly, these forums give us a reliable, easy way to interact with customers and gather input that can help us further refine our products and services and better serve their needs.”
To join the Innovyze User Community, visit http://forums.innovyze.com, where you can quickly create an account and start the conversation.
Innovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water and wastewater utilities, government industries, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasia and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. With unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate and sustain highly efficient and reliable infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit www.innovyze.com.
The new product allows small utilities to easily access the network hydraulic and water quality data and functions of their consultant-built modeling systems, greatly enhancing their ability to smoothly run their businesses, solve complex issues and make more informed, action-oriented decisions. With a fixed scope that addresses specific business processes, InfoView Water can be implemented instantly to deliver fast return on investment.
Small water utilities face the same operational challenges, regulations and requirements, and increased expectations for excellence in customer service as their larger counterparts — but they must meet them with fewer resources. While they require access to accurate geospatial water distribution information, they lack the financial resources to build, calibrate and maintain a custom GIS-based network model.
Through InfoView Water, these water utilities now have access to the same software information that larger utilities can afford. They can leverage the models produced by their consultant-built systems to get an accurate, timely picture of their network performance and develop improved network management and operational alternatives — all at a cost that fits small utility budget. The offering can directly import anyInfoWater, H2ONET, H2OMAP or EPANET project as well as virtually unlimited number of GIS layers. It includes tailored capabilities for facility sizing, pipe break analysis, rehabilitation planning, pump and valve operations, pressure, flow and water quality management, fire flow assessment, dashboard creation, custom reporting and querying, GIS mapping, and vivid color-coding and contouring.
“There is strong demand in the small water utility market for simple analytics and visualization tools that make it easy to fully leverage existing network modeling technology investments and share mission-critical business information with their consultants,” said Adel AbouJaoude, Ph.D., Environmental Department Manager and Associate with Khatib & Alami CEC, a leading utility solutions provider in the MENA region. “For years, we’ve worked on creating mission-critical network modeling applications for small water utilities. Now, for the first time, InfoView has unlocked the power of these applications to meet the reporting, analysis and information delivery requirements of small water utilities worldwide. Innovyze has once again taken the lead in innovating for every sector of the water industry.”
“With InfoView, we are extending our success in the smart network modeling marketplace to address the specific needs of small water utilities and their engineering consultants,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “These needs are driven by aging and failing infrastructures, the need to improve operational efficiency and meet changing regulations, and the need to provide customer care on par with other service providers. With this simplified, easy-to-use offering, small water utilities can now readily leverage the ‘best practice’ approaches of larger-sized utilities and the work done by their consultants without special network modeling knowledge and expertise. Ready-to-go, ready-to-use network models built on these common denominators also eliminate the need to start from scratch. The result is better, more cost-effective solutions for small water utilities and more opportunities for engineering firms.”
Innovyze is a leading global provider of wet infrastructure business analytics software solutions designed to meet the technological needs of water and wastewater utilities, government industries, and engineering organizations worldwide. Its clients include the majority of the largest UK, Australasia and North American cities, foremost utilities on all five continents, and ENR top-rated design firms. With unparalleled expertise and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific, the Innovyze connected portfolio of best-in-class product lines empowers thousands of engineers to competitively plan, manage, design, protect, operate and sustain highly efficient and reliable infrastructure systems, and provides an enduring platform for customer success. For more information, call Innovyze at +1 626-568-6868, or visit www.innovyze.com.
NASSCO was formed in 1976 with one goal: To improve the success rate of everyone involved in the pipeline rehabilitation industry through education, technical resources, and industry advocacy. The organization is comprised of contractors, suppliers, engineers, public agencies, and others aligned with the trenchless technology field. Members are required to comprehend the quality and safety issues of dealing with rehabilitated pipelines and are active in developing guidelines and specifications that become industry standards. Further information can be found at www.nassco.org.
Recognized as the industry standard in the United States since 2001, the Association’s PACP is the standard by which sewer pipes are evaluated, coded and managed. It is based on a comprehensive and consistent set of CCTV inspection codes that describe pipe conditions used in prioritizing, planning, and renovating wastewater collection systems. Complementing PACP, MACP provides standardization for grading defects within manholes and LACP for recording defects in sewer laterals.
“We are pleased to add the LACP certification to Innovyze InfoMaster ” stated Heather Myers, Operations Manager for NASSCO. “With this third certification, the software has succeeded in meeting all our stringent certification criteria for sewer asset management.”
“Receiving PACP, MACP and LACP certification from NASSCO further underlines the superior quality, utility and value of our industry-leading smart asset management solutions,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “Being recognized as a NASSCO certified member is extremely important to us because our company holds itself to a higher technology standard. We regularly take a critical look at our products to improve the results they deliver to our customers and help them more effectively sustain their wet infrastructures and protect the environment and public health.”
For over 100 years Greenville Utilities Commission has provided water and sewer services to the citizens of the City of Greenville and Pitt County. GUC’s extensive growth and progress through the years had led to a vast network of 628 miles (1,010 km) of water distribution piping, a 22.5 MGD (83 million liters per day) Water Treatment Plant and 8 supply wells which combined with 5 additional independent water systems serve a total population of 134,000 people.
“Our tradition of excellent water quality and superb customer service has enabled GUC to remain an integral part of the City of Greenville and the surrounding region,” said David W. Springer, P.E., Water Resources Department Plants Engineer. “We have selected these Innovyze products not only because of the unique GIS framework, functionality and flexibility, but these cost-effective solutions will also give us the ability to continue to provide excellent service to our customers for years to come.”
Built atop ArcGIS (Esri, Redlands, CA), InfoWater seamlessly integrates sophisticated predictive analytics, systems dynamics and optimization functionality directly within the powerful ArcGIS setting. From fire flow and water quality simulations, valve criticality and energy cost analysis to pressure zone management and advanced Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm optimization, the InfoWater product suite comes equipped with everything water utility owner-operators need to best plan, design, operate, secure and sustain their distribution systems. Users can quickly and accurately perform the most complex hydraulic analyses, including multi-point and extended period fire flow simulations, variable speed pumps, and very advanced water quality calculations — then employ a rich array of ArcGIS presentation tools to powerfully showcase the results.
InfoWater UDF, which runs on the InfoWater platform, allows water utilities to quickly develop a comprehensive, reliable and cost-effective unidirectional flushing program. This technique has been proven to help improve water quality by restoring disinfectant residual, reducing bacterial regrowth, dislodging biofilms, removing sediments and deposits, controlling corrosion, restoring flows and pressures, eliminating taste and odor problems, and reducing disinfectant demand throughout the system.
The software accurately considers the temporal variation in flow velocity magnitude and direction caused by changes in demands, tank levels and operating conditions. It also computes minimum flushing time; total flushing volume and pipe length; flushing velocity of every pipe in the sequence; and available fire flow at the minimum residual pressure. The hydraulic impact of each flushing sequence is monitored to ensure the desired minimum pressure is maintained throughout the system.
“We are delighted that GUC has selected InfoWater and InfoWater UDF as its engineering-GIS smart water network modeling tools,” said J. Erick Heath, P.E., Innovyze Vice President and Director of Americas Operations. “The adoption of this advanced network modeling technology will strengthen the enterprise’s hydraulic system operations today and aid it in making better plans for its future water needs.”
Innovyze Releases QualWatch Generation V1.5, Raising the Bar for Drinking Water Contamination Early Warning and Management Systems
Latest Release With Multivariable Predictive Analytics Delivers Improved 24/7/365 Surveillance, Contaminant Detection and Early Warning
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, June 11, 2013
Redrawing the boundaries of smart water network innovation for infrastructure security, Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today announced the release of the V1.5 Generation ofQualWatch. This revolutionary early warning network monitoring and water quality event detection software changes the way water utilities around the world combine real-time water quality data with geospatial network modeling and predictive analytics to detect and manage accidental, deliberate or natural contamination of drinking water distribution systems.
The solution’s primary strength is its ability to monitor real-time changes in water quality and identify potential hazards fast enough to permit effective responses that mitigate or avoid adverse public health and economic impacts. Its predictive analytics also enable water utilities to move from reporting past events to predicting future events. Armed with this power, water utility operators can become a major force for regulatory compliance and enhanced system security.
Safe drinking water is essential to life. As aging drinking water distribution systems deteriorate, they become increasingly vulnerable to structural failures and are plagued by excessive leaks and breaks, which can result in breaches in water quality integrity and potential contamination. These threats present a significant challenge to utilities charged with consistently providing safe drinking water. Because of public health and safety implications, water utilities are required to detect and monitor biological and chemical contaminants within their water distribution systems in real time.
As an effective early warning system, QualWatch is a critical component of a smart water grid. It is designed expressly to help water utilities manage and secure their distribution networks more effectively, equipping their control rooms with the unprecedented power to visualize the integrity of their network water quality in real time through continuous monitoring and assessment of water quality dynamics. QualWatch enables water utility operators to continually and accurately compare water quality data against regulatory requirements such as maximum contaminant levels and pinpoint any violations; recognize abnormal water quality changes caused by contamination; detect unanticipated normal events such as main breaks, backflows and sensor malfunctions; and spot the onset of anomalous incidents they can evaluate and act on. The result is proactive network water quality management that ensures safety and security for all consumers.
Designed for real-time applications with existing SCADA systems (e.g., water quality signals and operations data), online water quality sensors (e.g., free chlorine, total organic carbon, pH, conductivity, turbidity) and network modeling, QualWatch automatically reads and analyzes incoming water quality measurement data, compares it with expected and historical values. It then uses advanced mathematical and statistical techniques to rapidly detect contamination and accurately assess when, where and how utilities need to respond. Network modeling can help operators understand the movement of water in a system, find the source of contaminant injection, track contaminant spread and determine how best to purge it from the system. Extremely flexible, QualWatchcan analyze any standard water quality data — total chlorine, free chlorine, chloride, pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, turbidity, total dissolved solids, nitrate, chlorophyll, oxidation reduction potential and other parameters — and help detect a wide variety of contaminants including pathogens, metals and pesticides.
New additions to QualWatch include improved methods for reducing false positive alarm rates triggered by changes in water quality measurements due to normal changes in the hydraulic operations of the distribution system (e.g., opening and closing of valves, filling and draining of storage tanks, and pumps going on and off line). QualWatch can now also automatically quantify the correlation between multiple water quality parameters, allowing more accurate predictions of water quality values. This dependence method allows any water quality parameter value to be predicted from its historical data and by other variables (e.g., chloramine as a function of pH, total organic matter and free chlorine). These capabilities represent fundamental advances in how effectively water utility operators can monitor the water quality integrity of their networks and respond if breaches are detected.
Easy to learn and use, QualWatch is available as a stand-alone Windows program that runs on nearly any computer or as a complementary module of IWLive. It can be installed, up and running in just a few minutes on a utility’s local computer. This is a distinct point of differentiation from complex “software as a service” (SaaS) solutions, marking the first time utilities of all sizes can readily optimize network water quality management and protection at very low cost.
“Water utilities around the world rely on Innovyze’s best-in-class smart water network solutions to safeguard their water infrastructure and protect public health,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “By combining real-time water quality monitoring with advanced network modeling and predictive analytics,QualWatch enables water utilities to rapidly detect, track and contain the spread of contaminants throughout their systems and gives them time to warn and protect the public. Since day one, our mission has been to share powerful product development capabilities with the smart water network modeling community and foster its expansion. The new version of QualWatch is a significant leap — one that greatly enhances these experts’ ability to enhance security and provide maximum protection to public health. It exemplifies our ongoing commitment to delivering superior value to our customers who manage, operate and sustain safe, reliable water distribution systems.”
Thames Water is the United Kingdom’s largest wastewater services provider, with 66,500 miles of sewer, 2,530 pumping stations, 1.2 million manholes, and 350 sewage works providing services to 14 million wastewater customers in and around London. As part of a major project, Thames Water has earmarked approximately 1,027 km of sewers to be surveyed and cleansed, mainly, by contractors Optimise and MGJV. The project is divided into 16 Sewer Drainage Area Catchments (SDAC). InfoNet and InfoNet Mobile will be used to manage all work orders and collect and evaluate data for the undertaking.
InfoNet, a purpose-designed asset and data integrity management and capital planning solution for water distribution, wastewater collection and stormwater networks, enables fast, effective integration of a wide range of applications and datasets, including generic GIS, corporate databases and field data systems. Its sophisticated query engine and rich results presentation and reporting make it the asset performance modeling tool of choice for utilities worldwide. The software allows users to analyze all aspects of the network life cycle and keep assets performing at peak condition while making the most of limited budgets. It ensures well-informed, swift, cost-effective and action-oriented decision making for both day-to-day operational management and long-term network planning. InfoNet Mobile provides users with a complete field management solution for collecting data and transferring it seamlessly to the office environment.
“Using InfoNet we can quickly and efficiently manage the data collection and analysis process,” explains Chris Hinton, Waste Network Performance Analysis Manager at Thames Water. “It also allows more flexible data collection requirements, such as including the location of interceptors. The greatest advantage is that at the end of the process, the contractor is able to return the data to us, fully validated in InfoNet — giving us more confidence in the quality of the information.”
As part of this project the two contractors have been charged not only with surveying known mainline sewers, but mapping and surveying uncharted network, including recently adopted private drains. These assets became the responsibility of the Welsh and English water utilities in 2011 following legislative changes made in Section 98 of the Water Act 2003.
“The additional task of collecting information on uncharted assets massively increases the complexity of the project,” notes David Eales, SDAC Contract Manager at Optimise. “Using InfoNet and InfoNet Mobile as a single integrated digital solution has allowed us to adopt a streamlined approach to tracking the work to ensure it is completed on time and within budget.”
Upon receiving data for each SDAC area, contractors use InfoNet to schedule CCTV Survey jobs for individual crews and synchronize this schedule with field laptops. As they record the progress of CCTV surveys, site crews are also recording the location of uncharted assets and verifying the location of existing assets. All data collected is recorded in customized digital forms with drop-down choice lists to confine entry options. Digital mapping allows the work packages to be displayed on each field device, showing complete and incomplete jobs, the location of existing assets, and background map layers. In addition, a convenient calendar format schedule is available to crews and fully integrated with the mapping.
“Once a crew has completed all their jobs, they only have to synchronize their laptops with our office server to make all the data they have collected in InfoNet Mobile instantly available in InfoNet,” says Peter Nolder, SDAC Data Manager at MGJV. “The advanced tools in InfoNet enable us to quickly assess the connectivity and validity of the field data. This ensures that this data is validated to a high standard before it is passed back to Thames Water.”
“Water utilities are looking to amass increasingly accurate information on their networks, not only to fulfil their legislative requirements, but to run their networks in a cost-effective manner for the benefit of their customers,” said Andrew Brown, Innovyze Director of International Operations. “With their ease of implementation and use, broad functionality and powerful analytics, Innovyze comprehensive smart asset management solutions allow utilities to confidently set a high standard in meeting these goals.”
Recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the two best cities in the country (tied with Milwaukee) for jobs and job growth, West Des Moines is one of the fastest growing cities in Iowa. Its sanitary sewer system consists of over 226 miles of pipe and more than 4,800 manholes. Its separate stormwater system comprises over 160 miles of storm sewer pipe and 2,600 manholes.
“We chose InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM 2D for their comprehensive sewer and overflow modeling prowess, superior data and scenario management capabilities, ease of use, and superb technical support,” said Ben McAlister, P.E., Principal Engineer with the City’s Department of Public Works. “These powerful software programs are also fully compatible with our standard Esri-based GIS platform, creating a winning combination for us.”
The only urban drainage modeling solution certified by the National Association of GIS-centric Software, the full-featured InfoSWMM program delivers the highest rate of return in the industry. All the operations of a typical sewer system — from analysis and design to management functions like water quality assessment, pollution prediction, sediment transport and deposition, urban flooding, real-time control, and record keeping — are addressed in a single, fully integrated geoengineering environment.
Built atop ArcGIS and using exceptionally robust and efficient numerical simulation capabilities, InfoSWMM 2Dseamlessly integrates advanced 1D and 2D functionalities in one environment, enabling users to model the most complex sewer collection systems and surface flooding with remarkable ease and accuracy. Users can employ 1D simulation to identify the location of flooding and 2D simulation to investigate the direction and depth of flood flows in specific areas. These unparalleled 1D/2D dynamic linking capabilities give engineers unprecedented power to analyze and predict potential flood extents, depth and velocity and accurately model the interaction of surface and underground systems in an integrated 1D/2D environment. These factors and more translate to increased productivity, reduced costs, greater efficiency, and improved operation and designs — giving wastewater utilities a clear competitive advantage.
“GIS-driven smart network modeling software solutions can transform the business performance of water and wastewater utilities, helping them become proactive in operating and managing their networks,” noted Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “Our InfoSWMM and InfoSWMM 2D suite gives users the complete and powerful toolset they need to make fast, reliable management and operational decisions while maximizing profitability. The City of West Des Moines is especially well-equipped to make full use of these advantages, and our company is proud to contribute to its success.”
Innovyze Releases InfoMaster Sewer Generation V3.0, Raising the Bar for Analytics-Driven Asset Management for Smart Network Operations
Latest Release of Leading GIS-Centric Asset Integrity Management and Capital Planning Solution Enables Faster, More Comprehensive Sewer System Analysis and is NASSCO PACP and MACP V6.0 Certified and WSA05 Compliant
Broomfield, Colorado, USA, May 21, 2013
Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for smart wet infrastructure, today introducedInfoMaster Sewer Generation V3.0 with new and improved analysis and reporting applications. Advances include enhanced capital and operational planning; expanded data support for NASSCO PACP and MACP plus Australian conduit inspection reporting code WSA05; and automated asset renewal, rehabilitation and replacement processes.
The InfoMaster product suite gives utilities critical insight into all enterprise assets, their conditions and work processes, facilitating significantly better planning and control. It lets them use information and analytics in new ways to drive higher productivity and quality while managing costs and increasing operational flexibility. Available exclusively for the Esri (Redlands, CA) ArcGIS 10.x platform, V3.0 includes components to run on desktop, web, tablet, and smartphone environments. InfoMaster is NASSCO PACP and MACP V6.0 certified.
With its “out-of-the-box” approach to geospatial wet infrastructure asset management — a distinct point of differentiation from traditional enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions — InfoMaster revolutionizes business analytics and optimization (BAO) for water and wastewater utilities. While the typical enterprise software deployment requires a 12- to 18-month implementation cycle,InfoMaster can be deployed in just a day to a few weeks — giving small to medium sized utilities the first-ever opportunity to optimize network management at very low cost.
Where other ERP systems are focused on electronic records management, InfoMaster is built from the ground up to provide superior business analytics and modeling capabilities. It marks the first time utilities have been able to manage and control the flow of both data and water for better, faster and more accurate decision making. Because InfoMaster data can be organized by project, a single BAO package can be used by both the utility and its engineering consultants — providing enormous flexibility in managing data for multiple utilities.
With InfoMaster Sewer, a utility can manage its entire underground infrastructure directly from the Esri geodatabase to deliver unmatched engineering productivity and network performance. Because any analysis is only as strong as its underlying data,InfoMaster includes direct support for pipes, manholes, pump stations, closed circuit television (CCTV) inspections, manhole inspections, smoke testing, customer incidents, and other field activities. CCTV acceptance inspection of sewers is standard practice in the U.S. and Australia. The US National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) PACP and MACP programs and the Conduit Inspection Reporting Code of Australia WSA05, published by the Australian Water Services Association, provide guidance to utilities in determining the acceptability of sewer defects and features. Data can be read directly from an enterprise geodatabase; imported or linked to third-party ERP systems; or entered directly through the desktop, Web, or companion smartphone or tablet applications.
InfoMaster Sewer V3.0 includes over 50 customer-driven enhancements, including new features and functionalities that deliver significantly improved capabilities and performance. They include a unified GIS interface for water and sewer networks; enhanced facility query with standard SQL support; expanded Decision Tree with significant speed improvement for large networks and additional parameter support; geometric task editing; new graphing, profile generation and reporting capabilities; and support of 64-bit servers. The new version also supports iPhone 5 and Internet Explorer 9.0, and allows users to edit GIS data directly using a mobile device and update it to a server.
InfoMaster Sewer analysis tools are unparalleled in the industry, giving utilities the ability to validate and then “slice and dice” virtually any piece of data. Armed with clean data, they can then use InfoMaster tools and wizards to move nimbly in optimizing operations. Among them are applications that can be used to establish a prioritized capital replacement plan based on sound condition assessment; reduce the number of “hotspot” cleaning activities by comparing current cleaning schedules to reported upstream blockage complaints; and overlay smoke testing defects reported in real time via an iPhone with Bing (Microsoft, Redmond, WA) aerial maps to facilitate identification of older houses with cross connections.
“With InfoMaster Sewer V3.0, we’ve enriched our long-standing tradition of listening to our customers and providing new features and enhancements that help them make better, more reliable and cost-effective capital and operational decisions, optimize their hydraulic infrastructure performance and results, and improve service quality,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “The new version combines ease of use with expansive customization and flexibility and rich presentation tools, allowing new users to learn fast and experienced users to quickly become more productive in handling previously painstaking and time-consuming tasks that produced less than optimal results. Our customers depend on the depth and breadth of InfoMaster to find the best, most innovative solutions to their business challenges. With our support, they can aim high and deliver — consistently.”
Pricing and Availability
InfoMaster Sewer V3.0 is now available worldwide by subscription. InfoMaster FieldWork and InfoMaster FacilityWatch are available from the Apple iTunes App Store. For the latest information on the Innovyze Subscription Program, including availability and purchase requirements, visit www.innovyze.com or contact your local Innovyze Channel Partner.
Anticipating and controlling transient response is critical to ensuring the protection, integrity, and effective/efficient operation of water distribution systems. Transient responses can introduce pressures of sufficient magnitude (upsurge) to burst pipes and damage equipment. The resulting repercussions can range from extended service outages to loss of property and life. In addition, transient responses can produce subatmospheric pressures (downsurge) that could force contaminated groundwater into the distribution system at a leaky joint, crack, or break, leading to grave health consequences. Sustained subatmospheric pressures can also cause cavitation and water column separation, resulting in severe water hammer effects as the vapor cavity collapses.
The state-of-the-art, full-featured InfoSurge transient flow analysis solution delivers the highest rate of return in the industry by addressing every facet of pressure surge analysis and its role in utility infrastructure management and protection. The program provides the engineer-friendly framework needed to quickly assess the effects of pump station power failures, pump startups, valve closures, rapid demand and pump speed changes, and then determines the efficacy of any combination of surge protection devices. Its SurgeAnimatemodule enables users to create live animations of pipe profiles and see and experience model transient activities in real time, helping them assess the effectiveness and strength of their systems. InfoSurge also accurately simulates transient cavitation and water column separation, evaluates their intensity, and estimates their potential effects on the system.
Armed with this information, water utilities can more accurately predict the development of unacceptable operating conditions, identify vulnerable areas and risks, evaluate and design sound protective measures, and devise improved operational plans and security upgrades. The software’s blazing simulation speed and seamless GIS integration totally transform the task of transient analysis, making it simpler, more straightforward, and even enjoyable.
InfoSurge V10 is packed with new and improved features that allow utility owner–operators to effectively, efficiently and economically control objectionable transients and preserve the hydraulic integrity of their supply and distribution systems. The new version offers the option of using dynamic friction factors and can model turbines, flow and pressure regulating valves, hybrid (open-closed) surge tanks, hydraulic surge anticipation valves, electrical surge anticipation valves, and multicomponent reservoirs. It can also model pump stations and valves as PID controllers. Using InfoSurge V10, utilities can specify depth/area profiles for all types of surge tanks as well as variations in pressure during transient simulations at reservoirs, fixed heads and well nodes
“Water utilities and engineering consulting firms around the world rely on Innovyze’s best-in-class smart network modeling and design solutions to manage and operate better, safer systems,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, Dist.D.NE, F.ASCE, President, COO and Chief Technical Officer of Innovyze. “The release of InfoSurge V10 demonstrates our unwavering commitment to delivering innovative technologies that meet our customers’ next-generation hydraulic transient network modeling requirements. This milestone solution is the only analysis, design, and management software users need to work faster and smarter in a competitive environment — not only to power optimal system performance, but more importantly, to safeguard critical infrastructures and maximize their effectiveness in protecting public health.”