I am currently trying to use Matlab to create a set of random values and inputting these random values into SWMM 5 to vary the different parameters (e.g. decay constant) so I will get a range of results. Has anyone done it before?
I am currently trying to use Matlab to create a set of random values and inputting these random values into SWMM 5 to vary the different parameters (e.g. decay constant) so I will get a range of results. Has anyone done it before?
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
Hello everybody!, I have encountered the same issue in the last year, and because of this I have developed an open source solution to replicate the SWMM algorithm in Matlab, Python, and LabVIEW easily. I have called it MatSWMM an it is available at: <https://github.com/water-systems/MatSWMM MATSWMM - Open source toolbox> MatSWMM can be useful to model Real-time control for urban drainage systems, extract simulation results and edit systematically a system that has been created with the SWMM platform. I hope this can be useful to fullfil the requirements of the unpleasant batch simulation problems. Please check it out, and feel free to contact me (<mailto:ga.riano949@uniandes.edu.co ga.riano949@uniandes.edu.co>) if any doubt or suggestion appears.
Yes, they have done this before - not sure of the details in MatLab but you call swmm5.exe with different input files and sample the text output file (and yes, it has been done before)
Note: This is how you use the batch file in SWMM 5 to make a Detailed Report
Step 1: You make a bat file - here is a sample file that uses the swmm5.exe program
swmm5.exe Example1.inp D:\swmm5.0.021\bob.rpt
Step 2: Set up the Report Data in the input file
Step 3: Run the program
Step 4: Look at the RPT Output file for the node and link
Flow Velocity Depth Percent TSS Lead
Date Time CFS ft/sec feet Full MG/L UG/L
JAN-01-1998 01:00:00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000
JAN-01-1998 02:00:00 0.302 3.835 0.157 15.7 83.361 16.672
JAN-01-1998 03:00:00 0.648 4.791 0.228 22.8 65.616 13.123
JAN-01-1998 04:00:00 1.487 6.071 0.350 35.0 50.235 10.047
JAN-01-1998 05:00:00 1.081 5.559 0.296 29.6 54.180 10.836
JAN-01-1998 06:00:00 0.410 4.222 0.181 18.1 71.439 14.288
JAN-01-1998 07:00:00 0.039 2.194 0.057 5.7 144.040 28.808
Thanks Robert for your prompt help!