

I have made a 3D map in autocad civil 3D. I saved it as a metafile so SWMM can read it. In SWMM i want to simulate rain and calculate the stormwater flow.

My question is when i open the metafile in SWMM i cant see if its still 3D or just 2D. does the program have the information about the map in X, Y, Z direction or can it just read 2D. If its not 3D i cant see how the program can calculate stormwater runoff.


Another question, my map i have done in autocad have all the information about  different ground  materials like, roads, lakes, houses, woods ans so on. Will SWMM regognize that so i can do the simulation direct on that map or  can i only use the map as a backdrop map so i need to draw a new one on top of my autocad  map and draw out what areas are woods, roads, rivers ....?


Plz help, im new in this program 

You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!


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  • http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/AutoCAD-Civil-3D/Links-between-Civil-...

    Might have some help for you.

  • Im not really sure what u meant with that. Exporting SWMM data from civil 3D. Do you mean that i should have my map from civil 3D and use it as a backdrop and draw a new map on top of it. Whats the point with taking your map from autocad then, if u have to draw everything again? Can SWMM work in 3D? 
    Robert Dickinson said:

    Hi, You can only use the drawing as a backdrop.  I would suggest that should export the actual SWMM 5 data from Civil 3D so you can use in the SWMM 5 Graphical Users Interface.

  • Hi, You can only use the drawing as a backdrop.  I would suggest that should export the actual SWMM 5 data from Civil 3D so you can use in the SWMM 5 Graphical Users Interface.

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