I 'm looking for a simple example with a solution in which rainwater flows from the network to the tank, and when it is full outflow to the receiver(river). The tank's max depth has to have 1 m depth. My point is a simple example with two or three nodes, the storage unit and outflow made in SWMM 5 , and pasted here, so that I could use it on my computer. It's about proper drainage at the time of filling the tank.
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
Yes, you can do it but you should learn how to accomplish it yourself - I gave a you a few examples. Now you need to set up your overflow rules.
You're right, but I have tried a lot of methods and my results look like that: the rain water from the tank somewhere poured. My property looks like this:
I've shown my storage curve above. The conduit properties in front of the tank:
The conduit properiets behind the tank:
As a result, no water is poured but it should
Here is an example with a Storage Curve - you use a a Storage Node and a Storage Curve
Ok, but to finish my numerical model I need to
accumulate part of the drain in the storage unit and let the rest outflow into the river. Could I do it in SWMM 5? In the above solution is only a reservoir flow.
This is approximately what you want, you can modify to have the depths it the tanks that you need. It is a SI model with a few subcatchments, ponds and weirs to an outfall.
I hope this helps.
What about storage unit with storage curve: Tabular. And the Trapezoidal storage curve. Like that :