The total precipitation in inches reported in the EPA SWMM Status Report (9.075-in) does not match the sum of precipitation data in my input file (15-minute time steps). The starting and ending dates match, and continuity error is < 1%. Any ideas about what could be wrong?
Thanks, Laura
I made a units mistake (how emabarrassing). The sum of the 15-min precipitation input (inch/hour) needed to be devided by four.
Thanks for your help.
Here is the one Subcatchment Model
Here is a small mode that uses your rainfall. I have checked the values in Excel and they add up to the same values as SWMM 5. You have 1+ year of rainfall, 15 minute intervals and intensity.
Precip Data is attached. I got the data from King County, WA as a .csv file. I modified it to put data in the correct columns and then saved as a tab delimited .txt file for SWMM to read.
Do you have a copy of the precipitation data?
Normally, i would say that the length of simulation is less than the rainfall record or there is missing data with a flag in your rainfall data.