I am trying to locate a "typical years" rainfall for the Pittsburgh region for use in a model. I am trying to get away from the single event design storm modeling but don't have the resources to analyze 50 years worth of data to find the a years' worth that would qualify for use in a continuous model for CSO purposes.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to be a member of SWMM 5 or SWMM or EPASWMM and SWMM5 in ICM_SWMM to add comments!
You can use the older SWMM 4 rainfall block to do a synoptic analysis on the Pittsburgh or any long term rainfall record. The results of the synoptic analysis will tell which of the 50 years is the average or typical year out of the 50. If you are lucky the calendar year may be one of the years with no missing data and you can just use the year as the typical year.