I want to include a variable to the orifice height of my network and I tried to implement this through the source codes of SWMM 5.0. I am looking a particular function to do this.
Please look at the following example.
Manning´s roughness coefficient for the pervious areas of the subcatchments. (referring "subcatch.c")
Subcatch[j].subArea[PERV].N = x[1];
I believe x[1] is for the Manning's coefficient. Likewise what would be the function which can be used have the height of the orifice?
Thanks a lot.
The orifice height is not in link.c - the orifice height is read in the XSECTION section and is the same variable as the diameter of a circular link or the height of a rectangular link depending on the type of orifice.
If you want to set the height then you need to set the height in XSECTION. Here is how SWMM 5 exports the Orifice Height in the Delphi GUI Code - it is the 3rd parameter of the line
with Project.Lists[ORIFICE] do
for I := 0 to Count-1 do
begin L := TLink(Objects[I]);
Line := Format('%-16s', [Strings[I]]);
Line := Line + Tab + Format('%-12s', [L.Data[ORIFICE_SHAPE_INDEX]]);
Line := Line + Tab + Format('%-16s', [L.Data[ORIFICE_HEIGHT_INDEX]]);
Line := Line + Tab + '0 '
else Line := Line + Tab + Format('%-10s', [L.Data[ORIFICE_WIDTH_INDEX]]);
Line := Line + Tab + '0 ' + Tab + '0';
I am sorry, I think I didn't really explain the things. I just took an example for a subcatchment and showed the function. Likewise, I need to include a variable to the orifice height.
Let me explain the things like this. I have a sewer network and I wanted to control optimally the sewer network. To do that, I am controlling the orifice heights. The optimization module that I am using is dealt with the genetic algorithms and I wanted to keep this orifice height as a variable, which is going to be decided by the optimization module.
There, I wanted to find a function which represent the orifice height and then I can include a variable to this height. I have gone through "link.c" but couldn't understand a correct function.
Hope you understood it now. I've just used the manning's coeffcient in the above text to explain this and no relevance to the work that I am doing.
I am not sure what you are trying to model here. Do you want to have an orifice in your subcatchment? You can also send the runoff from the subcatchment to a node connected to an orifice so that the orifice controls the flow.
Yes, x[1] is the Manning's coefficient for the Subcatchment.