
  • Hello,

    The entrance, exit and other losses apply only to one link at a time but if you have different entrance, exit and other losses downstream of your three links the water depth at the downstream node will be different

    Subject:  Exit, Other and Entrance Loss Values in SWMM 5

    The entrance, exit and other losses in SWMM 5 are computed at the upstream, downstream and midpoint of the sections of the link.  However, if the normal flow equation is used for the link during a time step then these losses are zero as the flow in the link is based solely on the upstream area and upstream hydraulic radius of the link.   If you add loss coefficients and the normal flow equation is used then you will not see any change in the flow as you modify the loss coefficients.


  • The two factors that matter the most are:

    Velocity = Flow / Area

    if you increase the flow then the velocity will increase, 

    if you decrease the area then the velocity will increase,

    the area can be decreased by lowering the depth of flow, 

    the depth of flow can be decreased by lowering the roughness (either you entrance/exit losses or the Manning's roughness of the link)

    • the level of water in the node is influenced by entrance/exit losses of the link before it or after it ?

      Thanks to explain to me this problem

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