Does the 'area of each unit' when modelling rain barrels in SWMM represent the area of the impervious area contributing run-off into the rain barrel (for example the roof area) or the cross sectional area of the rain barrel itself? SWMM user manual a
I have 8 subcatchments in a watershed and all these 8 subcatchments have 8 different curve number values(infiltration model).I want to vary the curve number values and look at the change in the associated hydrograph. Can you kindly suggest me in whic
Hi, I am trying to model an infiltration pond in SWMM and get excessive (90%+) continuity errors for the pond node. The overall flow routing continuity error is zero for the site. The pond is set up to have a high flow bypass for a continuous model
Can anyone help me providing a sample SWMM model calibration tutorial set that uses PEST. I have a storm network model and I need to calibrate the model using PEST.
Any relevant suggestion, tutorial or reference is appreciated in advance.
I am using Autodesk SSA version of SWMM. I am getting unreasonable results that are too high when the inlet is completely submerged by a flow that is say 5 times the inlet capacity. The program appears to calculate the flow in the upstream link bas
I am working on a SWMM 5 continuous model. I have a sanitary DWF that varies every three days due to an industrial discharge, so none of the pre-set flow variation patterns (hourly, daily, monthly) will vary the flow appropriately. Is there
For my job during the summer, I've been assigned to model a storm water pond using SWMM 5.1. My goal is to estimate the distribution of the ponds total storm water inflow at each of the pond's inlets (The
I am trying to set a constant outflow concentration as the result for a treatment-equation, i.e. BOD: C=50. Unfortunately, setting a constant value for the concentration does not work, the result of the effluent concentration would be just
I'm having issues with an attenuation feature. I've simulated the rainfall event (24 hours) and now I'm looking to see how long it will take to drain down using outlets with Head/flow relationships (simulated vortex controls e.g hydrobrake). Prob
I would like to model a distribution network of drinking water with EPA SWMM. Therefore, the flows will be pressurized. Is it valid to theoretically model such flows EPASWMM instead of using EPANET?
I am new to trying to model VFD Pumps. I have a single pump running on a single type 3 curve without controls besides on-off levels. Looking at the pump operation curve, the purple diamond indicates that the pump is operating on the curve most of the
i have been using SWMM 5.1 for stormwater catchment modelling. i am wondering whether f L/D should be inputted to include head loss in pipe length as a average head loss.where f is the friction factor depending on pipe relative roughness and Reynold
I am trying to design a pond in SWMM where I want to maintain atleast 1m depth of water before allowing the discharge from the pond. For this I have given 1m initial depth of water in the pond and kept its height as 2.5 m, but while simulatin
Hi, i hope someone can help me about this misunderstanding: considering a single precipitation event, i can not undestrand if i have to insert, as imput, the "initial build up" or the "antecedent dry days", or both of them. I guess i have to set onl
If a distributed SWMM model is used to model a decade(s) long timeseries including water quality on a Windows 7 OS, which computer power is necessary? 2.7 GHz?, 3.4 GHz? How many cores? CPU or GPU? Please share your experiences? Especially if Monteca
How do I get the piezometric head ( pressure + elevation head) of the nodes in the result of SWMM 5? Is there options for this or something has to be implemented in the source code of SWMM5 ? Please throw some light in this regard.
I'll like to know if is it possible to prevent flooding in nodes (no storage nodes). The problem happens when I close R-1 and R-2 completely, because C-11 reaches its maximum capacity and then N-1 begins to flood. I would like that th