calling-n-th-pollutant-from-swmm (1)

Calling N-th pollutant from SWMM


I am now working with SWMM engine in C++.. I want to get all routed pollutant in my network to be written in file or shown on the screen..For, that reason, I am a bit confused in using the syntax explained in SWMM5 interfacing guide as shown below.

· Number of node variables (currently 6 + number of pollutants)

· Code number of each node variable:

0 for depth of water above invert (ft or m),

1 for hydraulic head (ft or m),

2 for volume of stored + ponded water (ft3 or m3),

3 for lateral inflow (flow units),

4 for total inflow (lateral + upstream) (flow units),

5 for flow lost to flooding (flow units),

6 for concentration of first pollutant,


5 + N for concentration of N-th pollutant.

let say, I have this following code

GetSwmmResult(1, j-1, 6, i, &z);

the syntax above shows that my code is working on node which start from 0-j..this moment, I only have the first routed pollutant called through varIndex=6..

Can somebody help me to get the second and third pollutants?

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