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Innovyze Launches 2012 Technical Webinar Series 

Registration Open for Ten-Session Series Led by Innovyze Engineers, Launching February 7, 2012


Broomfield, Colorado USA, January 3, 2011 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for wet infrastructure, today announced the dates for its 2012 Technical Webinar series. The ten-session event begins February 7, 2012, and continues through June 2012. Each session is open to utilities and their consultants. Admission is free, but pre-registration is required.

To register, visit

“Our customers are continuously looking for cost-effective ways to grow their knowledge bases and learn about emerging technologies,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., BCEEM, Hon.D.WRE, F.ASCE, President and COO of Innovyze. “Each of these important webinars will be led by a technical engineering expert. The sessions will cover a wide range of key wet infrastructure topics, from capital planning and carbon footprint analysis to flood modeling, advanced water quality and real time modeling, and advanced business analytics applications. We anticipate these unique offerings to draw record attendance.”

Webinar Schedule

Risk-based Prioritization of Sewer Rehabilitation with CapPlan Sewer
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Learn how CapPlan Sewer empowers utilities and their consultants to maximize both their existing CCTV information and GIS data to create prioritized rehabilitation plans. Users can choose whether to weight their plans toward current conditions or a calculated risk. CapPlan Sewer also offers the ability to a build multi-step decision tree flow chart of rehabilitation techniques based on current pipe condition and hydraulic capacity.

Real Time Water Distribution Forecasting and Response with IWLive
Friday, February 24, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Discover the powers of IWLive, the first product of its kind to combine hydraulic modeling, weather predictions, and current SCADA information to give a clear picture of how water systems will behave in the future. IWLivecan be used to propose fixes for operational problems before they occur, including water main breaks, peak demand periods, and fire flow issues based on real time evaluation.

Modeling the Integrated Collection System from Rivers to Pipes with InfoWorks ICM
Monday, March 12, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Explore InfoWorks ICM, the first software in the world to successfully combine advanced 1D and 2D modeling capabilities in a single simulation engine. See how it creates unprecedented models that fully integrate 1D simulation of flows in rivers, open channels manholes, inlets, natural and man-made channels and pipe networks with 2D simulation of surface flooding in the urban environment and river floodplain. The results, combining common hydrology and both catchment and floodplain data, enrich the landscape of water modeling.

Using Hydraulic Models for Energy Management and Carbon Footprint Reduction
Thursday, March 29, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Learn how InfoWater Sustainability and Scheduler work together to reduce energy loss at three key water distribution system sites: pipe friction (and minor losses at bends and fittings); control valves (e.g., pressure reducing and sustaining valves, flow control valves); and customer taps that fail to maintain minimum levels of pressure. Sustainability helps engineers design a “greener” wet infrastructure by auditing these losses throughout a system, while Scheduler optimizes pump schedules against both hydraulic/water quality and energy cost constraints.

Advanced Business Analytics for Sewer Systems Inside ArcGIS, Featuring InfoMaster
Thursday, April 12, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Overwhelmed by the ever-growing amount of sewer utility management data, and the difficulty of drawing conclusions from it? Investigate InfoMaster — comprehensive asset management and analysis tool for sewer systems. InfoMaster aggregates and analyzes a myriad of data sources, from field inspections (CCTV, manholes, smoke testing), customer service requests and repair activities to flow monitoring, GIS, and other third party systems — giving you the big picture fast. The ArcGIS-based out-of-the-box tool is available in desktop, server/web and iPad/iPhone versions for ease of use by the entire enterprise.

Modeling Two-Dimensional Overland Flow with InfoSWMM 2D
Friday, April 27, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
When it comes to modeling flows through complex geometries where either the source or direction of flow is problematic to assume, two-dimensional (2D) simulation is by far better and more reliable than one-dimensional.InfoSWMM 2D is ideal for modeling complex urban areas or highly varied terrains, that involve features such as urban streets and buildings, road intersections and other transport infrastructure, and open ground. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to use InfoSWMM 2D to perform a 2D overland flow analysis and accurately predict the extent and duration of urban and rural flooding.

Risk-based Prioritization of Water Main Replacement featuring CapPlan Water
Wednesday May 9, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
As the rapid deterioration of underground infrastructures progresses, many utilities are struggling to develop a rehabilitation and replacement program that addresses the most critical pipes in the system. Many capital improvement programs spend millions of dollars annually on projects that do little to lower total system risk. In this seminar, you'll see how one off-the-shelf software package, CapPlan Water, enables utilities to use GIS, hydraulic modeling, and other enterprise data to analyze the likelihood and consequence of pipe failure in a water network to devise a risk-based capital plan.

Modeling and Eliminating Transients in Water Distribution Systems with InfoSurge
Tuesday, May 22, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Transients in water distribution systems have the potential to wreck or damage pipeline systems and equipment, reduce system efficiency, induce adverse water quality conditions, and threaten the integrity and quality of supply as well as public safety. This session will show you how to use InfoSurge to diagnose and solve distribution system transient issues throughout the pipeline analysis, design and operation process. You’ll also learn how to create live animations of pipe profiles for an inside view of transient model activities.

Designing and Implementing a Unidirectional Flushing Program in Record time with InfoWater UDF
Tuesday, June 5, 2012, 2010 1:00 pm EDT
Unidirectional flushing (UDF) is the most effective way of cleaning water mains and maintaining water quality and system capacity. It also requires the least amount of water of any cleaning method. Valves are closed and hydrants opened to create a one-way flow that accelerates the speed of water in the mains, maximizing shear velocity near the pipe wall and producing a scouring action that effectively removes sediment deposits and biofilm. Learn how the automated design tools in InfoWater UDF allow engineers to create these flushing sequences in record time.

Monitoring a Distribution System for Contamination Events
Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:00 pm EDT
Discovering and responding to contamination events continues to be a challenge for water utilities. InfoWater offers an array of help. Learn how InfoWater SLM can help utilities determine the optimal placement of online water quality monitoring sensors, how IWLive can monitor and warn of possible contamination threats, and howInfoWater BTX performs event backtracking analysis (following the detection of a contamination event) and identifies the most likely originating sources.

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