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Kentucky’s Largest Wastewater Utility Chooses InfoWorks ICM 

Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District Looks to InfoWorks ICM for Modeling its Complex Combined Sewer System


Broomfield, Colorado USA, November 8, 2011 — Innovyze, a leading global innovator of business analytics software and technologies for wet infrastructure, today announced that Kentucky’s largest municipal wastewater utility, the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD), has selected InfoWorks ICM to fulfill its sewerage and drainage modeling requirements within its combined sewer system. The purchase will give the utility access to the most advanced and comprehensive collection system modeling and management application in the industry.

MSD is responsible for a wastewater collection, stormwater drainage and flood protection system that serves almost three quarters of a million people. Established in 1946, it manages over 3,200 miles (4,800 km) of combined and sanitary sewer pipe, six regional wastewater treatment facilities, 14 small treatment plants, 285 sewage pump stations and 16 major flood pumping stations, and maintains more than 790 miles (1,300 km) of streams. “Our system is large and complex, and planning accurately for new infrastructure to achieve overflow reduction and flood relief can be difficult,” says Justin Gray, a Senior Engineer at MSD. “We are continually seeking out the best technology, and InfoWorks ICM gives us the most powerful option for planning and analyzing the surface and subsurface interactions that are inherent with a combined stormwater and sanitary sewer system. This modeling platform enables us to integrate a surface grid over the sewer system, our 29-mile flood protection system, as well as the Ohio River and Beargrass Creek systems, which can heavily influence the function of the combined system.”

InfoWorks ICM breaks new ground by enabling integrated catchment modeling on a platform that incorporates both urban and river catchments. Full integration of 1D and 2D hydrodynamic modeling techniques enables users to model the above- and below-ground elements of these catchments with unique flexibility and detail. Such advanced capabilities greatly enhance the ability of wastewater utilities to predict flood risks; support cost-effective drainage design and management; develop online urban flooding forecasts; conceive and evaluate sound and reliable urban catchment strategies such as storm sewer separation, active real-time control and provision of adequate additional storage; and improve the operation of any drainage system.

A sophisticated tool for importing, tracking and auditing large amounts of highly complex data, InfoWorks ICMallows the development of cost-effective, innovative solutions to engineering challenges as well as a complete understanding of the processes involved. Multiple simulations can be scheduled across a pool of workstations with results returned to a single location, making for highly effective use of computing resources.

“The Innovyze family of sewer network modeling and management products continues to evolve with the ever-changing needs of our customers,” said Americas Operations Director J. Erick Heath, P.E. “Louisville and Jefferson County MSD is one of the most prominent wastewater service providers in North America, and their selection of InfoWorks ICM helps demonstrate the continued fast-paced adoption of this vanguard application by utilities around the globe.”


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