From the blog Serendipity as useful discussion on calibration
..ask what is the purpose of a climate model. The second half of the George Box quote is “…but some models are useful”. Climate models are tools that allow scientists to explore their cu
I’m trying to represent a subsurface storage unit that consists of 5, 300-foot long 66” pipes with a 66” pipe distributing flow and another 66” pipe collecting flow at the other end. This layout doesn’t have a standard outlet structurethat is easily
hi! Data browser is the box left side of the screen in swmm. I tried to resize vertically the upper box of the data browser and accidently I pressed so it cannot be seen. The splitter bar seems to be active, but cannot be used. I tried to reinstall sw
I used MATLAB to run my SWMM files: (using batch and python files)disp ('Event 1: Present Scenario')disp('processing Python')cd ('C:\Program Files\HEC\HEC-DSSVue')% Changed the inp file and run name for each scenariosystem('G:\EPA_SWMM5\Update_SWMM_I
There is an open records law request for an electronic version of my model that I am using to develop the long term control plan for a community. I provided the base version with model construciton parameters but they are demanding calibration files,
I am trying to determine if I am using the proper CN Values for input parameters in SWMM 5.0. I've used the NRCS runoff curve numbers in the input for each subbasin determined from weighted CN based on landcover. Should the impervious be removed fr
I am now trying to make hydraulic model of a complex open channel by swmm, this channel as the one of main collector of urban storm water system (man-made flood way). The purpose of the simulation is determined the channel capacity and flood warning