I am trying to extract the time series for the simulated subcatchment runoff in a notepad readable file. As known, the .rpt file does not show the time series results and .out file is in a binary format. Is there a way to include the subcatchment
I just want to know if there is a way to use the SWMM5 file in Arcgis in order to measure the elevation of junctions and the other dimensions as well. Or maybe somebody knows an other way to obtain them quickly. I've already 20 junctions.
Hi i have read the SMWW apps manual. This is a picture from that. Im using a map from autocad as a backdrop image. I have drawn my subcatchments on the area and everything looks fine except that I want the elevation info from the area like the pictu
CULTURE BUZZInspired by Andrew Sullivan’s airplane window picture series, here's a very large collection of awesome pictures taken out of airplane windows. I need to go on a vacation. http://www.buzzfee
Hi..i'm student from Malaysia who taking remote sensing course...i'm planning to produce flood hazard map by using EPA SWMM 5 simulate the flood depth and inundation..then import these data to GIS software such as ArcGIS and used landsat image as bas
The total precipitation in inches reported in the EPA SWMM Status Report (9.075-in) does not match the sum of precipitation data in my input file (15-minute time steps). The starting and ending dates match, and continuity error is < 1%. Any ideas a
I have made a 3D map in autocad civil 3D. I saved it as a metafile so SWMM can read it. In SWMM i want to simulate rain and calculate the stormwater flow.
My question is when i open the metafile in SWMM i cant see if its still 3D or just 2D. does t
In running some basic long-term continuous simulations I’ve noticed that SWMM output may not be very sensitive to the slope subcatchment parameter. For instance, I ran two simple continuous SWMM5 models with over 50-years of hourly rainfall data and
i would like to link Matlab to SWMM 5 in order to automate the calculate processing (like sensibility analyze etc.). For these option must the Input and Output File be readable for Matlab. As we known is the simulation result by SWMM 5 saved as binar
After run simulation, I got the continuity Error "Surface Runoff" is 1.70% and "Flow Routing" is 17.83%. I want to reduce error of flow routing then I have done manys thing that state in SWMM Help but It's not work.
I have modeled porous pavement with regard to 2 scenarios. In the first scenario I examined the effect of increase the flow (Q peak) on the BMP efficiency. The results showed that the efficiency was decreased when flow increased. That’s ok. But in
I want to model a combined sewer network which is connected to a river through a flap gate. What will be the best way to input rover with the flap gate? Outfall or Outlet?
Is it possible to analyze the network with river stage changes dynamically rath