I am now working with SWMM engine in C++.. I want to get all routed pollutant in my network to be written in file or shown on the screen..For, that reason, I am a bit confused in using the syntax explained in SWMM5 interfacing guide as shown below.
· Number of node variables (currently 6 + number of pollutants)
· Code number of each node variable:
0 for depth of water above invert (ft or m),
1 for hydraulic head (ft or m),
2 for volume of stored + ponded water (ft3 or m3),
3 for lateral inflow (flow units),
4 for total inflow (lateral + upstream) (flow units),
5 for flow lost to flooding (flow units),
6 for concentration of first pollutant,
5 + N for concentration of N-th pollutant.
let say, I have this following code
GetSwmmResult(1, j-1, 6, i, &z);
the syntax above shows that my code is working on node which start from 0-j..this moment, I only have the first routed pollutant called through varIndex=6..
Can somebody help me to get the second and third pollutants?
All Posts (522)
Our Coming Mega-Drought
Here are a few recent data points for you: (1) The New York Times reports that "skepticism and outright denial of global warming are among the articles of faith of the Tea Party movement." (2) In the National Journal, Ron Brownstein notes that "The GOP is stampeding toward an absolutist rejection of climate science that appears unmatched among major political parties around the globe, even conservative ones....Of the 20 serious GOP Senate challengers who have taken a position, 19 have declared that the science of climate change is inconclusive or flat-out incorrect." (3) It's not just Senate candidates. ThinkProgress notes that an analysis by Wonk Room "finds that 22 of the 37 Republican candidates for governor this November are deniers of the scientific consensus on global warming pollution." (4) TheWall Street Journal reports that "extreme drought" has taken hold in parts of nine states stretching from the Southeast to the lower Midwest.
As it happens, this southern U.S. drought is probably not caused by global warming — not mostly, anyway. Like most droughts until now, its primary cause is natural climate oscillations (this year's La Niña) and bad luck (no hurricanes so far this season). But don't count on that continuing. In a new paper that reviews the recent literature on drought, Aiguo Dai of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder concludes that we're headed for serious and sustained droughts in much of the world. And not in the far future, either. As the maps on the right show, vast swathes of the world are going to be far drier than they are today in a mere 20 years. "A striking feature," Dai says of his analysis, "is that aridity increases since the late 20th century and becomes severe drought [] by the 2060s over most of Africa, southern Europe and the Middle East, most of Americas [], Australia, and Southeast Asia."
In other words, virtually all of the world except for China and Russia will experience increased drought by 2030 and severe drought by 2060:
This is very alarming because if the drying is anything resembling Figure 11, a very large population will be severely affected in the coming decades over the whole United States, southern Europe, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Chile, Australia, and most of Africa....Given the dire predictions for drought, adaptation measures for future climate changes should consider the possibility of increased aridity and widespread drought in coming decades. Lessons learned from dealing with past severe droughts, such as the Sahel drought during the 1970s and 1980s, may be helpful in designing adaptation strategies for future droughts.
The Sahel drought killed upwards of a million people, and since then the steady increase in drought conditions in sub-Saharan Africa has probably contributed to ongoing crises in Darfur, Chad, and elsewhere. Now imagine what the world will be like when droughts are twice as bad, last twice as long, and cover not just sub-Saharan Africa but upwards of half the landmass of the planet. That's not really something you can adapt to.
And here's some even worse news: these projections are based on midpoint global warming projections from the last IPCC report. But those projections are looking increasingly understated, and the next IPCC report is almost certain to raise its temperature forecasts. So as bad as Dai's drought news is, the reality is probably even worse.
This isn't something that's a century in the future. If we don't do anything about it, it's more like 20 years away. Tea partiers and their Republican enablers can play make believe all they want, but their kids and grandkids are going to pay the price for it. Global climate catastrophe is looking closer and closer all the time.
From Mother Jones http://motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2010/10/coming-mega-drought
Note: There are Three Types of Surfaces in each Subcatchment of SWMM 5. The overall depth in a subcatchment is the weighted average of the impervious without depression storage area, the impervious with depression storage area and the pervious area depth. The depths on each type of area are independent of each other.
Figure 1: The processes that occur on each type of Subcatchment Area.
Figure 2: The three independent Depths on a Subcatchment. The SWMM 5 reported Depth is the weighted average of the three depths.
Note: The surface runoff is a non linear function of the independent depth in both the pervious and impervious areas of the subcatchments. No surface runoff occurs until the depth over either the impervious or pervious area is greater than the respective depression storage (Figure’s 1, 2, 3 and 4).
Figure 1: Surface Runoff, Depth and Depression Storage Relationship.
Figure 2: Subcatchment Runoff and Depth over time with a Subcatchment Width of 500 feet.
Figure 3: Subcatchment Runoff and Depth in a Scatter Graph with a Subcatchment Width of 500 feet.
Figure 4: Subcatchment Runoff and Depth in a Scatter Graph with a Subcatchment Width of 2000 feet.
Note: There are three sub flow components in the calculation of the groundwater flow from a SWMM 5 Subcatchment.
1st Component: Flow = Groundwater Flow Coef. * (LowerDepth – Aquifer Bottom to Node Invert) ^ Groundwater Flow Exponent
2 nd Component: Flow = SurfaceWater Flow Coef. * (Aquifer Bottom to Water Surface – Aquifer Bottom to Node Invert) ^ SurfaceWater Flow Exponent
3rd Component: Flow = SurfaceWater-Groundwater Flow Coef. * (Aquifer LowerDepth * Aquifer Bottom to Node Invert)
The total flow is the sum of all three components.
Climate change: Drought may threaten much of globe within decades
BOULDER—The United States and many other heavily populated countries face a growing threat of severe and prolonged drought in coming decades, according to a new study by National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) scientist Aiguo Dai. The detailed analysis concludes that warming temperatures associated with climate change will likely create increasingly dry conditions across much of the globe in the next 30 years, possibly reaching a scale in some regions by the end of the century that has rarely, if ever, been observed in modern times.
Using an ensemble of 22 computer climate models and a comprehensive index of drought conditions, as well as analyses of previously published studies, the paper finds most of the Western Hemisphere, along with large parts of Eurasia, Africa, and Australia, may be at threat of extreme drought this century.
In contrast, higher-latitude regions from Alaska to Scandinavia are likely to become more moist.
Dai cautioned that the findings are based on the best current projections of greenhouse gas emissions. What actually happens in coming decades will depend on many factors, including actual future emissions of greenhouse gases as well as natural climate cycles such as El Niño.
The new findings appear this week as part of a longer review article in Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. The study was supported by the National Science Foundation, NCAR’s sponsor.
“We are facing the possibility of widespread drought in the coming decades, but this has yet to be fully recognized by both the public and the climate change research community,” Dai says. “If the projections in this study come even close to being realized, the consequences for society worldwide will be enormous.”
While regional climate projections are less certain than those for the globe as a whole, Dai’s study indicates that most of the western two-thirds of the United States will be significantly drier by the 2030s. Large parts of the nation may face an increasing risk of extreme drought during the century.
Other countries and continents that could face significant drying include:
- Much of Latin America, including large sections of Mexico and Brazil
- Regions bordering the Mediterranean Sea, which could become especially dry
- Large parts of Southwest Asia
- Most of Africa and Australia, with particularly dry conditions in regions of Africa
- Southeast Asia, including parts of China and neighboring countries
The study also finds that drought risk can be expected to decrease this century across much of Northern Europe, Russia, Canada, and Alaska, as well as some areas in the Southern Hemisphere. However, the globe’s land areas should be drier overall.
“The increased wetness over the northern, sparsely populated high latitudes can't match the drying over the more densely populated temperate and tropical areas,” Dai says.
A climate change expert not associated with the study, Richard Seager of Columbia University’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, adds:
“As Dai emphasizes here, vast swaths of the subtropics and the midlatitude continents face a future with drier soils and less surface water as a result of reducing rainfall and increasing evaporation driven by a warming atmosphere. The term 'global warming' does not do justice to the climatic changes the world will experience in coming decades. Some of the worst disruptions we face will involve water, not just temperature.”

Future drought. These four maps illustrate the potential for future drought worldwide over the decades indicated, based on current projections of future greenhouse gas emissions. These maps are not intended as forecasts, since the actual course of projected greenhouse gas emissions as well as natural climate variations could alter the drought patterns.
The maps use a common measure, the Palmer Drought Severity Index, which assigns positive numbers when conditions are unusually wet for a particular region, and negative numbers when conditions are unusually dry. A reading of -4 or below is considered extreme drought. Regions that are blue or green will likely be at lower risk of drought, while those in the red and purple spectrum could face more unusually extreme drought conditions. (Courtesy Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews, redrawn by UCAR. This image is freely available for media use. Please credit the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. For more information on how individuals and organizations may use UCAR images, see Media & nonprofit use*)
A portrait of worsening drought
Previous climate studies have indicated that global warming will probably alter precipitation patterns as the subtropics expand. The 2007 assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that subtropical areas will likely have precipitation declines, with high-latitude areas getting more precipitation.
In addition, previous studies by Dai have indicated that climate change may already be having a drying effect on parts of the world. In a much-cited 2004 study, he and colleagues found that the percentage of Earth’s land area stricken by serious drought more than doubled from the 1970s to the early 2000s. Last year, he headed up a research team that found that some of the world’s major rivers are losing water.
In his new study, Dai turned from rain and snow amounts to drought itself, and posed a basic question: how will climate change affect future droughts? If rainfall runs short by a given amount, it may or may not produce drought conditions, depending on how warm it is, how quickly the moisture evaporates, and other factors.
Droughts are complex events that can be associated with significantly reduced precipitation, dry soils that fail to sustain crops, and reduced levels in reservoirs and other bodies of water that can imperil drinking supplies. A common measure called the Palmer Drought Severity Index classifies the strength of a drought by tracking precipitation and evaporation over time and comparing them to the usual variability one would expect at a given location.
Dai turned to results from the 22 computer models used by the IPCC in its 2007 report to gather projections about temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and Earth’s radiative balance, based on current projections of greenhouse gas emissions. He then fed the information into the Palmer model to calculate the PDSI index. A reading of +0.5 to -0.5 on the index indicates normal conditions, while a reading at or below -4 indicates extreme drought. The most index ranges from +10 to -10 for current climate conditions, although readings below -6 are exceedingly rare, even during short periods of time in small areas.
By the 2030s, the results indicated that some regions in the United States and overseas could experience particularly severe conditions, with average decadal readings potentially dropping to -4 to -6 in much of the central and western United States as well as several regions overseas, and -8 or lower in parts of the Mediterranean. By the end of the century, many populated areas, including parts of the United States, could face readings in the range of -8 to -10, and much of the Mediterranean could fall to -15 to -20. Such readings would be almost unprecedented.
Dai cautions that global climate models remain inconsistent in capturing precipitation changes and other atmospheric factors, especially at the regional scale. However, the 2007 IPCC models were in stronger agreement on high- and low-latitude precipitation than those used in previous reports, says Dai.
There are also uncertainties in how well the Palmer index captures the range of conditions that future climate may produce. The index could be overestimating drought intensity in the more extreme cases, says Dai. On the other hand, the index may be underestimating the loss of soil moisture should rain and snow fall in shorter, heavier bursts and run off more quickly. Such precipitation trends have already been diagnosed in the United States and several other areas over recent years, says Dai.
“The fact that the current drought index may not work for the 21st century climate is itself a troubling sign,” Dai says.
About the article
Title: Drought under global warming: a review | View article or download PDF
Author: Aiguo Dai
Publication: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change
Source: http://www2.ucar.edu/news/climate-change-drought-may-threaten-much-globe-within-decades
Note: You can copy and paste information from the Junction Output Summary to a newly created Junction Information DB Column so that you can use Map Display to visually see the newly saved output variable.
Step 1: Run the model and then go to the Junction Summary in Report Manager and select all of the nodes in your model.
Step 2: Copy the Maximum Surcharge Height over Highest Pipe Crown Column
Step 3: Make and Insert a New Editable Field in the Junction Information Table by Pasting the information you just copied from the Junction Summary Output Column.
Step 4: Use the Map Display Command and use Existing DB as the Source and the newly created variable Junction_Surcharge_Depth
Step 5: Use the Option Show Label Properties and adjust the Font to show the maximum surcharge depth.
UK’s Environment Agency Report Shows Great Strength of InfoWorks 2D
MWH Soft Package Recognized as a Reliable Solution for Two-Dimensional Overland Flow Modeling
Broomfield, Colorado USA, October 19, 2010
MWH Soft, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced that a comprehensive benchmarking study in terms of performance and predictive capability by the UK Environment Agency (EA) has identified InfoWorks 2D as a reliable solution for 2D flood inundation modeling and is applicable across the full range of EA flood risk modelling requirements. The Environment Agency is the leading public body protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales. Its work includes tackling flooding and pollution incidents; reducing the impacts of industry on the environment; cleaning up rivers, coastal waters and contaminated land; and improving wildlife habitats.
The Agency’s Evidence Directorate, which commissioned Herriot Watt University to undertake the work, is charged with providing an up-to-date understanding of the tools and techniques available to monitor and manage the region’s environment as efficiently and effectively as possible. The study was commissioned to provide evidence that 2D hydraulic modeling packages used for flood risk management by the Environment Agency and its consultants are capable of adequately predicting the variables on which flood risk management decisions are based.
InfoWorks 2D operates in conjunction with InfoWorks RS and InfoWorks CS to facilitate fast, accurate and detailed surface flood modeling. Two-dimensional (2D) simulation is better suited than one-dimensional (1D) for modeling flows through complex geometries (such as urban streets and buildings, road intersections and other transport infrastructure) and open ground, where either source or direction of flow is problematic to assume. In urban areas, the situation is exacerbated further by the presence of sewer networks, where flows can both enter and exit the system during flood events.
InfoWorks 2D combines a number of distinctive features: analysis and prediction of potential flood extent, depth and velocity; comprehensive functionality to completely model the interaction of surface and underground systems; fully integrated 1D and 2D modeling environments; multiple surface mesh design to optimize modeling flexibility and accuracy; and multiple results views, both static and animated.
To perform the rigorous evaluation, a series of eight test cases were developed from both laboratory and real-scale data to assess the performance of the software across the full range of the Agency’s modeling requirements. These prerequisites include: Large Scale Flood Risk Mapping, Catchment Flood Management Planning, Flood Risk Assessment and detailed flood mapping, Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Hazard Mapping, Contingency Planning for Real Time Flood Risk Management and Reservoir Inundation Mapping.
InfoWorks 2D provided fast and credible results on all eight tests. The report also found that a shock capturing numerical scheme like that used in InfoWorks 2D was essential to accurately simulate the shallow, rapidly varying flow that occurs during urban flooding and dam or embankment overtopping and failure.
“We applaud the Environment Agency for embarking on this touchstone study,” said Andrew Brown, EMEA Regional Manager for MWH Soft. “For years, customers around the world have been using InfoWorks 2D modeling to predict and mitigate all forms of flooding. The results of this valuable investigation help confirm that our substantial research and development efforts are yielding large dividends for our clients as they help them plan, design and operate more sustainable infrastructure.”
The EA report is available at http://publications.environment-agency.gov.uk/pdf/SCHO0510BSNO-e-e.pdf.
Note: You can use the Output Statistics Manager in InfoSWMM and H2OMAP SWMM to compute the mean and maximum peak flow for ALL of the links or the mean and maximum depths of all nodes in your network. Once you have calculated the mean flows using the tool you can copy them using the command Ctrl-C and paste them to a new field in the Conduit Information DB Table. The pasted mean flow from the Conduit Information table then can be mapped using Map Display.
Step 1: Run the Output Statistics Manager and decide what links and statistics you want to compute.
Step 2: Select the links you want to analyze using the pick tool.
Step 3: Copy the Mean or Average Flow value using the command Ctrl-C.
Step 4: Copy the Mean or Average Flow value to the created Mean Field in the Conduit Information DB Table.
Step 5: Map the Conduit.Mean variable from the Conduit Information DB Table.
Step 6: Display the mean flow for each link.
Note: An explanation of the four St. Venant Terms in SWMM 5 and how they change for Force Mains. The HGL is the water surface elevation in the upstream and downstream nodes of the link. The HGL for a full link goes from the pipe crown elevation up to the rim elevation of the node + the surcharge depth of the node
dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length or
dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (HGL) / Link Length
Qnew = (Qold – dq2 + dq3 + dq4) / ( 1 + dq1)
when the force main is full dq3 and dq4 are zero and
Qnew = (Qold – dq2) / ( 1 + dq1)
The dq4 term in dynamic.c uses the area upstream (a1) and area downstream (a2), the midpoint velocity, the sigma factor (a function of the link Froude number), the link length and the time step or
dq4 = Time Step * Velocity * Velocity * (a2 – a1) / Link Length * Sigma
the dq3 term in dynamic.c uses the current midpoint area (a function of the midpoint depth), the sigma factor and the midpoint velocity
dq3 = 2 * Velocity * ( Amid(current iteration) – Amid (last time step) * Sigma
dq1 = Time Step * RoughFactor / Rwtd^1.333 * |Velocity|
The weighted area (Awtd) is used in the dq2 term of the St. Venant equation:
dq2 = Time Step * Awtd * (Head Downstream – Head Upstream) / Link Length
Subject: Adding New View Variables To SWMM 5 for Villemonte Correction for Downstream Submergence. A simple seven step procedure to modify the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi Code and the SWMM 5 C code.
Step 1: Add a new View Variable to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code UGLOBAL.PAS
You need to add a new variable name (LINKVILLEMONTE) and increase the index number of LINKVIEWS
LINKVILLEMONTE = 48; //Output // (5.0.022 - RED)
LINKQUAL = 49; //Output // (5.0.022 - RED)
LINKVIEWS = 48; //Max. display variable index // (5.0.022 - RED)
Step 2: Add a new BaseLinkUnits description to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code UGLOBAL.PAS
('',''), // Villemonte Correction // (5.0.022 - RED)
('mg/L','mg/L')); // Quality
Step 3: Add a new Link View Variable SourceIndex description to the SWMM 5 GUI Delphi code Viewvars.txt
(Name: 'Villemonte Correction';
SourceIndex: 43;
DefIntervals: (25,50,75,100)),
SourceIndex: 44;
Step 4: Add a new Link View Variable LINK_VILLEMONTE to the SWMM 5 C code in enums.h
You also need to increase the number of Link Results in enums.h for the increased number of view variables
#define MAX_LINK_RESULTS 45 // (5.0.022 - RED)
LINK_VILLEMONTE, // Villemonte Correction // (5.0.022 - RED)
LINK_QUAL}; // concentration of each pollutant
Step 5: Add a new variable to objects.h for the structure Tlink to remember the Villemonte correction at each iteration for each Weir and Orifice
double Villemonte; //(5.0.022 - RED)
} TLink;
Step 6: In the SWMM 5 LINK.C code in procedure weir_getInflow save the current iteration value of the Villemonte correction to the new structure variable
// --- apply Villemonte eqn. to correct for submergence
Link[j].Villemonte = 1.0; //(5.0.022 - RED)
Link[j].head = head; //(5.0.022 - RED)
if ( h2 > hcrest )
ratio = (h2 - hcrest) / (h1 - hcrest);
q1 *= pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[Weir[k].type])), 0.385);
if ( q2 > 0.0 )
q2 *= pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[VNOTCH_WEIR])), 0.385);
Link[j].Villemonte = pow( (1.0 - pow(ratio, weirPower[Weir[k].type])), 0.385); //(5.0.022 - RED)
Step 7: Save the value of the saved Villemonte correction in LINK.C in the procedure link_getResults so it can be read and seen in the Delphi interface
x[LINK_VILLEMONTE] = (float)Link[j].Villemonte; // (5.0.022 - RED)
Build 5.0.021 (09/30/10)
Engine Updates
1. A code refactoring error in build 5.0.019 that resulted in no
recovery of infiltration capacity during dry periods has been fixed.
See subcatch.c.
2. The pervious area adjustment used in 5.0.019 for evaporation and
infiltration to a subcatchment's groundwater zone was corrected.
See gwater.c.
3. The accounting of evaporation loss from just the pervious area of a
subcatchment has been corrected. See subcatch.c.
4. The rainfall + runon used to compute infiltration is no longer
pre-adjusted by subtracting any evaporation loss. See subcatch.c.
5. The rate for Green-Ampt infiltration is no longer allowed to be
less than the smaller of the saturated hydraulic conductivity and
the available surface moisture. See infil.c.
6. The available surface moisture for Green-Ampt infiltration is
considered 0 if its value is less than a small tolerance. See
7. Evaporation and infiltration losses from Storage nodes under
Kinematic Wave and Steady Flow routing are now accounted for
properly. See flowrout.c.
8. The Pollutant Loading summary tables in the Status Report now
lists results for all pollutants in a single table instead of
listing just 5 pollutants per table. See report.c.
GUI Updates
1. The anchoring of the components on either side of the splitter
bar on the Data Browser panel was changed to insure that the
main window is displayed correctly when SWMM is first launched.
2. The incorrect display of link slopes on the study area map under
the Elevation Offsets option was corrected.
Build 5.0.020 (08/23/10)
Engine Updates
1. A refactoring bug that prevented SWMM from reading rainfall data
from external rainfall files was fixed. See gage.c.
Build 5.0.019 (07/30/10)
Engine Updates
1. The ability to explicitly model five different types of Low Impact
Development (LID) practices at the subcatchment level has been
added. Consult the LID Controls topic in the Help file for details.
See lid.c, lid.h, infil.c, infil.h, input.c, inputrpt.c, project.c,
statsrpt.c, and subcatch.c.
2. Pollutant buildup over a given landuse can now be specified by a time
series instead of just a buildup function. Consult the Land Uses /
Buildup topic in the Help index for more details. See landuse.c and
3. An option was added to allow evaporation of standing water to occur
only during periods with no precipitation (the default is the current
practice of allowing evaporation in both wet and dry periods). See
climate.c, enums.h, keywords.c, objects.h, project.c, subcatch.c,
and text.h.
4. Storage node losses from evaporation and infiltration are now computed
directly within the flow routing routines to produce better
conservation of mass. See objects.h, routing.c, dynwave.c and node.c.
5. The check to see if flow in a link should not exceed the normal flow
now uses just the upstream Froude number rather than both up and
downstream numbers. See dynwave.c.
6. The maximum trials used when evaluating the flow and head equations at
a given time period for dynamic wave routing was increased from 4 to 8.
See dynwave.c.
7. The Ponding calculation for dynamic wave flow routing was changed once
again to obtain better continuity results. The depth in a surcharged
node that can pond is not allowed to rise higher than just beyond full
depth in any single time step. After that, its change in depth is
determined by the node's ponded area. Similarly, the depth of a ponded
node is not allowed to drop more than just below full depth in any
single time step. See dynwave.c and node.c.
8. For Kinematic Wave and Steady Flow routing, a node's ponded area is
no longer used to infer a ponded depth when a node floods with Ponding
turned on. Instead, the water depth is simply set to the node's maximum
depth and the ponded area parameter is simply used as a indicator as
to whether the node can pond or not. (This differs from dynamic wave
routing where the ponded area directly influences ponded depth through
the solution of the momentum and flow conservation equations.) See
9. As a consequence of the preceeding update, the Node Flooding Summary
table in the Status Report no longer displays the maximum ponded volume
in acre-inches (or hectare-mm). Instead it displays the maximum ponded
depth (ft or m) for Dynamic Wave flow routing or the maximum ponded
volume (1000 ft3 or 1000 m3) for other forms of routing. See stats.c
and statsrpt.c.
10. The groundwater mass balance equations were returned to the form they
had in release 5.0.013 since they were not correctly accounting for
the water volume transferred between the saturated and unsaturated
zones due only to a change in the water table depth. See gwater.c.
11. Controls based on flow rates now properly account for the direction of
flow when they are evaluated. This may require users to add an extra
condition clause to a rule that only applies for flow in the positive
direction (e.g., AND Link XXX FLOW >= 0.0). See controls.c.
12. The Villemonte correction for downstream submergence is now also used
for partly filled orifices (instead of just for weirs). See link.c and
13. A missing term in the equation used to check for submerged inlet
control for Culvert conduits was fixed. See culvert.c.
14. If a non-conduit link is connected to a storage node then its
contribution to the node's surface area is now ignored. See
15. The automatic adjustment of the maximum depth of a link's end nodes
to be at least as high as the link's crown no longer applies when
the link is a bottom orifice. See link.c.
16. A fatal error message is now generated if a conduit's entrance,
exit, or average loss coefficient value is negative. See link.c.
17. Requests to do internal routing of runoff between impervious and
pervious sub-areas of a subcatchment when only one type of sub-area
exists are now ignored. See subcatch.c.
18. The check on the error condition of a node having both incoming and
outgoing dummy conduits was modified so as not to get fooled by
Outlet-type links. See toposort.c.
19. The Ignore Snowmelt switch is now internally set to true whenever
there are no snow pack objects defined, so that precipitation is not
mistakenly converted to snow for a project with temperature data.
See gage.c and project.c.
20. When reading min/max daily temperatures from a climate file, the
values are now swapped if the minimum is greater than the maximum.
See climate.c.
21. When the Hargreaves method is used to compute an evaporation rate
from daily temperature values, negative rates are no longer allowed.
See climate.c.
22. Several bugs that prevented SWMM from detecting and reading Canadian
DLY02/04 climate files correctly were fixed. See climate.c.
23. An error message is now generated if a time series used for rainfall
is also used for another purpose in a project (since it will cause
the two uses to be out of synch). See error.h, error.c, gage.c,
climate.c, control.c, and inflow.c.
24. An error message is now generated if two Rain Gages with files as
their data source use the same Station IDs but different names for
the data file. See rain.c, error.h, and error.c.
25. When zero rainfall values appear in a rain file or time series they
are now skipped over and treated as a dry period, the same as would
occur had they not been entered in the first place. See gage.c.
26. A bug that caused the data in an evaporation time series to be out
of synch with the simulation time clock has been fixed. This only
affected evaporation data supplied from time series and not monthly
average data or data from climate files. See climate.c.
27. The water quality mass balance now correctly accounts for any initial
mass in the system created by using a hot start file. See massbal.c.
28. For models that only compute runoff and have a reporting time step
less than the wet time step, the latter is internally set equal to
the former. See swmm5.c.
GUI Updates
1. The Data Browser was updated to include the newly added Low Impact
Development (LID) objects and new dialog forms were added to specify
LID design data and their placement within a project's subcatchments.
2. You can now open a project input file by dragging it from Windows
Explorer (or the Desktop) and dropping it anywhere in SWMM's main
3. A new checkbox was added to the Evaporation page of the Climatology
Editor to include the option to evaporate only in dry periods.
4. The choices for Function type on the Buildup page of the Land Use
Editor were extended to include an external time series (EXT).
5. SWMM will now continue to use the period (".") as the decimal
separator even if the user or the system changes the Windows Regional
Settings while the program is running.
6. A new installer program is now used that places the example data sets
in the user's My Documents\EPA SWMM Projects folder.
7. The components below the horizonal splitter bar on the Data Browser
panel were placed in their own panel component so that the splitter
would work correctly under Windows 7.
MWH Soft Releases InfoSWMM 2D Version 2.0 for ArcGIS 10, Raising Bar for Urban Drainage Modeling and Simulation
Latest Release Solidifies Product as Leading GIS-centric Urban Drainage Modeling and Management Solution
Broomfield, Colorado USA, October 12, 2010
MWH Soft, a leading global innovator of wet infrastructure modeling and simulation software and technologies, today announced the worldwide availability of the V2.0 Generation of its industry-leading InfoSWMM 2D for ArcGIS 10 (Esri, Redlands, CA). InfoSWMM 2D delivers new ways to quickly build and analyze very large and comprehensive two-dimensional (2D) models that reliably simulate urban stormwater, sanitary sewers, river flooding and pollutant transport. It allows users to accurately predict the extent and duration of urban and rural flooding for comprehensive stormwater management directly within the powerful ArcGIS environment.
A fully hydrodynamic geospatial stormwater modeling and management software application, InfoSWMM 2D can be used to model the entire land phase of the hydrologic cycle as applied to urban stormwater systems. The model can perform single-event or long-term (continuous) rainfall/runoff simulations accounting for climate, soil, land use, and topographic conditions of the watershed. In addition to simulating runoff quantity, InfoSWMM 2D can reliably predict runoff quality, including buildup and washoff of pollutants from primarily urban watersheds. It also features very sophisticated Real-Time Control (RTC) schemes for the operational control and management of hydraulic structures.
Built atop ArcGIS and using exceptionally robust and efficient numerical simulation capabilities, InfoSWMM 2D seamlessly integrates advanced 1D and 2D functionalities in one environment, enabling users to model the most complex storm and combined sewer collection systems and surface flooding with incredible ease and accuracy.
When overland flows are routed through a complex urban area or highly varied terrain, the numerous elevation changes and obstacles can significantly impact results. This problem can be further complicated by the presence of sewer networks, where flows can both enter and exit the system during flood events. With InfoSWMM 2D, users can employ 1D simulation to identify the location of flooding and 2D simulation to investigate the direction and depth of flood flows in specific areas.
The full 2D free-surface shallow water equations are solved using a highly advanced finite volume method, which is particularly suitable for rapidly varying flood flows such as those through steep streets and road junctions and those associated with bank overtopping or breaching. The unparalleled 1D/2D dynamic linking capabilities of InfoSWMM 2D give engineers the unprecedented power to analyze and predict potential flood extents, depth and velocity and accurately model the interaction of surface and underground systems in an integrated 1D/2D environment. The software can also be effectively used to simulate and analyze tidal surges, dam breaks and breaches on sewer networks. The combined water level and velocity results throughout the flooded areas can be viewed as graphs, tables or animated, thematic flood maps.
“We’re deeply committed to providing a geospatial modeling experience that is both intuitive and powerful, and InfoSWMM 2D V2.0 embodies that commitment,” said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D., Hon.D.WRE, F.ASCE, President and Chief Operating Officer of MWH Soft. “This release, following closely on May’s version 1.0, delivers major geospatial technological enhancements in short release cycles to make sure our customers are always equipped with the ultimate ArcGIS-centric decision support tool for stormwater and urban drainage systems. It greatly extends the core features of InfoSWMM, providing the most powerful and comprehensive ArcGIS-centric tool kit ever for managing the risks of urban and rural flooding.”
Pricing and Availability
Upgrade to InfoSWMM 2D V2.0 is now available worldwide by subscription to the MWH Soft Gold program. Subscription members can immediately download the new version free of charge directly from www.mwhsoft.com. The MWH Soft Subscription Program is a friendly customer support and software maintenance program that ensures the longevity and usefulness of MWH Soft products. It gives subscribers instant access to new functionality as it is developed, along with automatic software updates and upgrades. For the latest information on the MWH Soft Subscription Program, visit www.mwhsoft.com or contact your local MWH Soft Channel Partner.
At the Smallest Scale, Water Is a Sloppy Liquid
Source: http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/10/at-the-smallest-scale-water-is-a.html?rss=1
Wild and wet. A simulated cluster of water molecules, with colors representing different states of hydrogen bonds.
Water may seem like a dull liquid. But at the molecular scale, there's a party going on. New simulations reveal that water molecules actually form two different types of structures that break apart and recombine at lightning speeds. Such complexity just might be the reason why life as we know it sprang forth in a wet environment.
As simple as an individual water molecule is—two atoms of hydrogen bonded with one of oxygen—it forms weak bonds to its neighbors creating more-complex structures. That's allowed it to serve as the medium for the growth and evolution of the most complex molecules in the universe, including enzymes, proteins, and the mother of all known living creatures, DNA. But why water and not, say, hydrogen peroxide or even ammonia? Scientists have been wrestling with this quandary for over a century. Indeed, 5 years ago, Science called this one of the 125 most important unresolved scientific issues.
A new study might have uncovered an essential clue. Researchers used computer models to probe how water molecules form structures, a phenomenon that has resisted visual examination so far. Working with standard desktop computers, the team applied models originally designed to study complex systems, such as the Internet, the spread of viruses, and the folding of proteins, to investigate the configurations of water at the smallest scales.
What the researchers observed, they reported online in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, is that water molecules bond with one another in a surprisingly complex and dynamic way. Any given volume of water contains two types of molecular structures—one a blobby, loosely packed agglomeration and the other a tight, regular arrangement resembling a crystal lattice. But both structures tend to break apart and recombine frequently, on the order of extremely tiny fractions of a second. The result is a chaotic mix of water molecules. Within that mix, the hydrogen atoms form connections that function like hooks, onto which carbon or nitrogen atoms can presumably grab to form the beginnings of complex organic molecules. And the process can dramatically influence the motion of even more-complex biological systems, such as proteins, by helping their assembly. As far as anyone knows, no other liquid demonstrates this property.
The finding introduces "a framework to understand how water with its [hidden structure] influences protein function at the fundamental level," says physicist and co-author Francesco Rao of the University of Freiburg in Germany. The models present a "very crude" first look at these structures, adds physical chemist and co-author Peter Hamm of the University of Zürich in Switzerland. "It is becoming clearer and clearer," he says, that "water is more than just a solvent, but actually an integral part of the functional structure of proteins."
It's "a fascinating and provocative paper," says physical chemist James Skinner of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The study, he says, helps to illuminate subtle but important details about molecular motions in water.
The demonstration by a computer model that water exists in two different microscopic constructions is a "wonderful discovery," adds physicist H. Eugene Stanley of Boston University. Although earlier laboratory experiments have suggested this possibility, he says, the authors are the first to model the process in detail. It's a step toward unraveling why this liquid can produce 15 types of ice, for example. More important, Stanley says, "We will never understand biology until we understand water."
Subject: Known and Unknown Variables in the Node Continuity Equation
The new node depth is calculated based on the old inflow to the node, the old outflow from the node, the old node depth, a fixed time step, node evaporation and infiltration losses, new inflow to the node, new outflow from the node and the new total surface area of the node. The inflow, outflow and surface area are updated before the new iteration based on the last iteration link flows and node depths. The node depth equation is iterated until the depth in the node is less than 0.005 feet between the current iteration or the last iteration with a maximum of 8 iterations in SWMM 5.0.020
New Iteration Node Depth = Old Node Depth + [ ½ * (New Inflow – New Outflow) + ½ * (Old Inflow – Old Outflow) - Node Losses ] / New Surface Area * Time Step
1st Iteration: New Node Depth = New Iteration Node Depth
2nd to 8th Iteration: New Node Depth = ½ * New Iteration Node Depth + ½ * Old Iteration Node Depth
Note: Orifice Critical Depth for Separating Weir Flow from Orifice Flow for Bottom Outlet Orifices
The Critical height is the opening where weir flow turns into orifice flow. It equals (Co/Cw)*(Area/Length) where Co is the orifice coeff., Cw is the weir coeff/sqrt(2g), Area is the area of the opening, and Length = circumference of the opening. For a basic sharp crested weir, Cw = 0.414. All of the units are based on the internal SWMM 5 units of American Standard.
For a circular orifice the Critical Height is:
Critical Height = Orifice Discharge Coefficient / 0.414 * Orifice Opening / 4
For a rectangular orifice the Critical Height is:
Critical Height = Orifice Discharge Coefficient / 0.414 * (Orifice Opening*Width) / (2.0*(Orifice Opening+Width))
The Orifice Critical Depth changes dynamically as the orifice is opening and closing for a bottom outlet orifice. The critical depth separating the orifice weir flow from orifice flow for a side outlet orifice is the height of the orifice.
Note: A continuity error of 100 percent for some nodes in SWMM5 simply means that the total lateral flow and total inflow from the upstream links and the outflow to downstream links is zero.